what the fuck is going on save a life if you care


IMAG0094[1].jpgIMAG0095[1].jpgwhats wrong with my babies plz someone help me what should i do there under 125 watt clf bulb with miracle grow soil
I would flush them and transplant into different soil miracle grow is to acidic for that kind of plant get a bag of fox farm or any other reputable soil for growing what your growing.
i used MG with 6 plants and only two of them got burned. the rest did great. i only got one female though, that sucked.
probly your first grow........ dont mind these guys MG soil is fine for the first few grows but when you do over water it activated the nutes in the soil and it burns the plant.... let the soil dry out a bit before watering. i like to stick my fingers about 4-5 inches in my soil. if its dry water if not wait a day or 2... i've had pleanty of succesfull grows using MG just watch the watering good luck