What the fuck is wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
Well, I had 2 hits of 'acid' So I took them both.
Now It's been an hour and a half, nothing happened..
Except..somethings wrong and there is a few things I know..
a) This is not acid..
b) I have no idea what the fuck I just took.


- Every 30 seconds, to a minute, I have severe shaking, all around my body.
- I cannot feel myself.
- Feels like there is stuff under my skin
- I'm Very wide eye'd and my pupils are tiny.
- Eyes very glossy.
- Hard to focus
- feels like I'm blacking out, then awaking again, but that's not really happening.
- I'm very nervous, paranoid.
- a few more things.

Anyone know what the fuck I just took?


Well-Known Member
Relax man it is going to be OK! You are doing to be ok, you are just coming up there is always an uncomfortable feeling before you start to trip. Just put yourself in a positive frame of mind and ride it out...


Well-Known Member
you probably just took a tiny bit of acid that processed with some sort of methamphetmine. I would suggest calming down and riding it out, maybe the "acid" parts of what you took will kick in and it'll be all good. Wish you luck.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, it's been like 2 hours for you, so it's probably too late to do the ol' swallow a teaspoonful of activated charcoal to clean your stomach out. I would drink a bit of water and make sure you're in a position where you won't black out or pass out on your back.

Alot of times with acid and mushrooms you start imagining things. People tend to think they're dying when they really aren't. It happened to my friend three weeks ago when he did mushrooms. He really really thought he was dying, for real. And then it got better, but not for what seemed like forever (perception of time can change sometimes).

By the way, are you by yourself or did you stay with friends?


New Member
shouldv'e taken some milk or hot chocolate to take that edge off
hope buddy is ok :|


Well-Known Member
Oh my god man yer gonna die!!
You're an ass.
No, it wasn't acid at all man..
this kept going for another hour or two then I just started like getting really dizzy so I just went to sleep.. I woke up now and just have a horrible headache..


New Member
Good to see you post and know that you are ok.
I think buddy was just kidding with you.
You really need to be more careful with your drug sources. That COULD have been fatal. You don't know what was in them:twisted:

Glad to see you are ok tho.:blsmoke::peace:
You're an ass.
No, it wasn't acid at all man..
this kept going for another hour or two then I just started like getting really dizzy so I just went to sleep.. I woke up now and just have a horrible headache..


Well-Known Member
I feel for you buddy,last time I did some shit like that I spent my night in a corner be more careful next time.:peace: