What the heck are these?!


Well-Known Member
I posted this in the outdoor grow forum first but thought it'd might be best answered here. I first discovered these bugs on my ladies, and all the other smaller plants in the area, when i went to drop off some more clones. It was raining pretty heavily so i was hoping they were just getting out of the rain.
I noticed that several of the ones already in the ground were dead, they looked like they had dried up and died even though some a couple feet away were still landing.
I went back out today to see if they were still there hoping they weren't killing the plants, well it looked like they were/ are.
Anyway pls take a look and see if you can help me identify. Either way the location has been abandoned by me because they are just everywhere and anything I try to do will just be washed away when it rains again and they will be back.
62 ladies gone! GSC clones, Pineapple chunk, and LSD


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That sucks man. I have no idea what those are, assuming some type a larvae? Either way hopefully someone with some outdoors experience jumps in. Doesn't Bayer make some insecticides that some people use?
Ok so I know what it is and its gonna freaking blow your mind. Gather round and be ready to be schooled in this bug....

One thing i forgot to add in the OP was that all my plants are flowering! Even the seeds which make no since at all.....
stay tuned.
So these are the adolescent stage of leaf hopper or plant hoppers or more officially known as Acanalonid Planthopper nymph.
The cotton like substance coming out its rear is called Frass. According to wikipedia, frass is the fine powdery material phytophagous (plant-eating) insects pass as waste after digesting plant parts.
Now that material is a microbial inoculant, also known as a soil inoculant, that promotes plant health using beneficial microbes, it is a large nutrient contributor to the rainforest.
BUT!!! AND HERE IS THE MIND BLOWN PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It causes plants to excrete chitinase due to high chitin levels, it is a natural bloom stimulant, and has high nutrient levels. Causing some plants to go into their flowering stage.
This is why all my ladies are in flower! Even though they get approximately 8 hours of direct sun light a day and were just put out about 3 weeks ago. And we have had some decent rain in the area.

Now these plan hoppers are normally pretty harmless, maybe when its just a few of them. But as you can see its an infestation and every plant has that many if not more on them.

I have read countless books on indoor and outdoor growing and have had a couple successful runs, but never have I seen something like this or read anything like this so beware if you seem them just pray they don't have a colony with them.
I'm counting this crop as a total loss, no need to waste anymore resources on them. I'm sure they'll all be dead soon enough.