What the heck did I do??


Hey everyone, so my plants seem to all be doing well with the exception of one. I have attached pictures, but it looks like the one growing in the 3 gallon fabric pot just toppled over last night...it looked fine yesterday, it’s getting the same light and ph adjust water as the others and it seemed that the leaves were coming in fine...did I miss something?

This one was stretching a bit so maybe the light was a bit far? Can I add some soil around it to perch it up? I gave it a light watering this morning, but didn’t want to do anything more until I got some advice. I don’t think it’s an over watering issue as I’ve been very careful about how much water they have been getting and up until now the sick baby has been growing fine.

This is my first grow, so thanks so much for all the ongoing support!C6BCE926-5804-451E-A861-0DCD1BF86963.jpeg4E11127E-34B6-4F78-8303-898C320FD821.jpeg5AD81922-2F8F-4AC9-8E39-80E079EB757D.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Steak it up with a toothpick and some string.

it’s stretching for the light or been blown over by your fans.

needs a bit of stabilising with a steak to keep it upright.


Steak it up with a toothpick and some string.

it’s stretching for the light or been blown over by your fans.

needs a bit of stabilising with a steak to keep it upright.
Thanks! Gonna rig up some string now...will she bounce back on her own or is there anything else I should do?


Just make sure the string has some slack or it will dig into the stem as she grows.

other than that take the support off after a week or 2.
So it fell the other way over the day, all the other plants look fine. I just fixed the string and pushed some dirt up against it for support...is this a goner?


Well-Known Member
I hate seeding into such large pots, takes forever for the root system to establish and grow, and can be easily over watered. Hope they turn out ok.


Weed Modifier
Hill the dirt, like we do with potatoes, since you have extra in pot ;) , upto an inch of seedlings first set of leaves.