What the heck happened?? Time frame 2 hours


Well-Known Member
i checked the girls just before putting on a movie to watch before bed. after ifinished it i checked on the girls just to make sure everything was ok. and this is what i found,

before the movie

after the movie

last watering was 3 days ago, just water. the soil is still wet. with my ph/moisture meter, the moisture is at 8 (1-10, 10 being wet)
ph is at around 6.75
water ph is at 6.4
temps are at 82 above the plants about 78 at lvl with the plants
humidity is 38 i've got 6 1600 lummen cfls and 2 900 cfls all 6500k
the middle hanging NOW has 2 1600 and 2 900.
the plant was at the bottom right corner


Well-Known Member
temps 82 above plants 78 at lvl of plants humidity 38

3 fans up top angled down for circulation, they move 25 cfm each
88 cfm intake and 110 exhaust


Active Member
hmm that kinda cancels out my ideas lol. Wow your fast at responding, sorry for deleting my post I didnt read your Op good enough and I went back and reread it.


Active Member
Hmm temps are a little high, not to terrible though, your humidity could be higher but I doubt thats the problem. Is their anything that would be kinda hot that could have of dropped down towards your plants. Being that it is just one leaf and the rest of the plant is real nice and green, is showing that you dont have a bad difficiency, Ima think about this real quick hopefully I can help or somebody else with a good idea chimes in.


Well-Known Member
the plant really caught me off guard, in 2 hours it has done that..... i only can imagine if it keeps up what she will look like in the morning


Well-Known Member
i raised the front left light to where it is in the pic when i found her. before it was about 2 inches off the plant. but it has been 2 inches off the plant for about 2 days now


Active Member
Well see that is the funny thing cause your plants look overall healthy, they look a little burnt from fertilizer or the new soil. But other than that they are nice and green, just overall look good. Except that one leaf. Did you possibly get any water on that leave recently or did it dip down and sit on the soil?


Active Member
Hmm well ill see if I think I will check back in a little bit and see if anybody else has given you any good advice/help. Hope all goes well with that plant, and just keep checkin on it see if it progresses or anything.


Well-Known Member
possibly underwatering? i mean i had to look close, cause your soil looks wet, but in reality its pulling away from the pot, which tells me its been to dry.


Well-Known Member
the reason why it was puling away from the pot was cause i was moving it around today, my moisture meter tells me that the soil is still very wet under the top layer but i'll check with the good 'ol finger.


Well-Known Member
moisture reading

ph reading

now the leaf has perked back up.... before i had to hold it up, or else it would just fold over at the discoloration


Well-Known Member
well i just watered them. checked the dry weight and wet weight. the soil was i would say damp...... not wet not really moist. but not dry. sooooo hopfully everything will look ok in the morning.


Active Member
Hmm well I would water till you have a runoff of atleast 10 percent, that will help to leach the soil to. As far as that little burn, it really looks like water involved damage to me brother. I hope it gets better soon.


Well-Known Member
Well this morning the damage didn't travel any farther. So that's good... Hopefully all is well now