What the heck is going on with pot prices?

You’d be surprised by the amount of mids on dispensary shelves, then you’ve got multiple tiers above that. The product commanding those prices is rare (above 2 wholesale), but it’s that special kind of herb that people purchase as much as they can of (retail) because they don’t know if they’ll ever see herb that good again (that is literally what they say, every time, even though they got the same last time). That product commands ridiculous prices, but only because the shop knows that it will disappear within days, at prices above “Top Shelf”. Quik return on investment and keeps the “patients” coming back for more. You can find a McDonalds on every street corner, if you want a quality meal, you’re going to have to hunt, once you find it, customer for life. This thread prompted me to call a buddy, he said he’s been getting “bomb” OG for 16, but I know his “bomb” is mid level “mids”, demographic near that dispensary calls for “quantity over quality”. It’s “Walmart VS Whole Foods”.

I know everyone’s ego is at stake, everyone says that they “grow the bombest shit”, but not all weed is created equal. Fact.
Any pics of your 2k plus fire? Because what you are saying is directly opposite of what I've seen this season and I moved a ton of gear..
I agree. But I have a history with Growers back to the early eighties and you were all greedy as fuck. It was way too expensive and inconsistent for quality. And then the dispensaries just continued where the black market left off. I was very dissapointed and finally learned to grow my own.

And yeah. It’s going to keep getting cheaper now while competition grows.
I take offence with the "greedy as fuck" statement lol. You always had the ability to grow your own but chose to rely on us "greedy as fuck" people to supply you, with what we had. We didn't chose to grow mids, it's all we had, till I sewed secret compartments in a coat and flew to BC to bring back quality cuttings, yup no risk there lol. All the while it was us greedy as fuck guys that chose to risk family and freedom (yes for money) to supply you. Also like I said about here, top shelf is still demanding the same price as it did 20 years ago, perhaps more even.
I agree. But I have a history with Growers back to the early eighties and you were all greedy as fuck. It was way too expensive and inconsistent for quality. And then the dispensaries just continued where the black market left off. I was very dissapointed and finally learned to grow my own.

I disagree. The risks, especially in lock em up America were very high. Its only fair that the profits reflected that.

If anyone was to blame for the costs then its the law makers and the people willing to pay for the product. Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay.
Just wait until Canada Legalizes in a few months and every stoner and his dog can start growing legally in heir basement. You can bet a literal ton of it will find its way south of the border every day of the week.
No its called legalization. I mean really. What the fuk did you all think was gonna happen? It was going to be legal (or quasi legal state to state with recreational and medical "rules") and we were all just gonna rock some lamps in a house or three and pull in 3 or 500 an ounce forever? Cmon. The future waits for no one. The future is for those who are prepared. No one is exceptional. No one gets a pass for being here first. I should know. Ive been growing dope under lights and outside since the late 80's & early 90's. Ive seen the whole gig unfold. I made big bucks. Blew it all. Never saved a dime. And its all I know. Iam FUCKED!!! But I will figure it out. AlwYs have.
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I take offence with the "greedy as fuck" statement lol. You always had the ability to grow your own but chose to rely on us "greedy as fuck" people to supply you, with what we had. We didn't chose to grow mids, it's all we had, till I sewed secret compartments in a coat and flew to BC to bring back quality cuttings, yup no risk there lol. All the while it was us greedy as fuck guys that chose to risk family and freedom (yes for money) to supply you. Also like I said about here, top shelf is still demanding the same price as it did 20 years ago, perhaps more even.

No offense meant buddy. :-). I was just kidding.

And although I was kind of misled by the jersey mob kids to get started it sure was my choice when I got older.

I have been blown away by some of the hidden gardens I have seen over the years.

I have also been horrified. I find it amusing about the focus on pesticides and growth hormones now. Don’t get me wrong. I grow with no chemicals. I have never even sprayed a plant. And I am proud of my clean flowers. But the flowers in the past were mostly anything but chemical free. Lol.

I have been seeking the best weed since the beginning. The mob and Pagans grew the old skunk. We started with the best back then. Just the best still had some seeds in it.

Wish I saved some. But we all likely feel that way by now.
I disagree. The risks, especially in lock em up America were very high. Its only fair that the profits reflected that.

If anyone was to blame for the costs then its the law makers and the people willing to pay for the product. Something is only worth what someone is willing to pay.

I was kidding some and it’s didnt come across that way. I’m sorry.

And meant no personal offense. Like I just said to budley, there is good and bad practices and we all shared the risk. We still do.
Sorry Med I didn't get the humour intended, but just to clarify we didn't spray our plants either and never had to, all outdoor back then as well except for the clone house ;). We did use a few pounds of miracle grow though lol. As salts go I still think it's an ok nutrient although I don't use it in my grows and am now pretty much compost, tea and various poops outdoors ;). Indoor I use a local supplier of custom/knockoff blended salts.
I think it's a storm of a very good outdoor season in a lot of the country, increasing med/rec legality, and more money being thrown at big operations. The regular street zips here in KCMO are on their way back up. Zips that were 180 a couple months ago are fetching 220 again.
No its called legalization. I mean really. What the fuk did you all think was gonna happen? It was going to be legal (or quasi legal state to state with recreational and medical "rules") and we were all just gonna rock some lamps in a house or three and pull in 3 or 500 an ounce forever? Cmon. The future waits for no one. The future is for those who are prepared. No one is exceptional. No one gets a pass for being here first. I should know. Ive been growing dope under lights and outside since the late 80's & early 90's. Ive seen the whole gig unfold. I made big bucks. Blew it all. Never saved a dime. And its all I know. Iam FUCKED!!! But I will figure it out. AlwYs have.

The more you make the more you spend
Any pics of your 2k plus fire? Because what you are saying is directly opposite of what I've seen this season and I moved a ton of gear..

Southern CA, easy moving prime. Not “2k+”, I move @24-28. All legal.

I really don’t take too many pics. These are from a room that came down a few weeks ago. Taken for new partner and crew. Represented are Gelato 33 and GSC Thin Mints (those were the only ones that I “shot” during that take down). I have posted images of nearly everything I have (~30 strains), but Photobucket now wants to collect membership fees for 3’rd party hosting. I can still recover those images from their site.





If you’re having “moving issues”, I don’t have any problem introducing you. If it’s good, “it’s good”.

How about you post yours? Ticket?
I've been selling weed off and on for over 40 years, and for all of those years pot prices have been steady or increasing. I started growing as a hobby about six years ago with the intention of selling enough to pay for my buzz and cover the cost of growing. The longer I grew and the more volume I harvested I changed my outlook of why I'm growing to a supplemental income with the hopes I can retire as a successful black-market grower. Nothing too huge....20-30 plant flower room.

Up till last year I never had a problem moving product. I'd make one call and it'd be gone that day. My prices were market value but with higher quality. Then last year the market prices dropped dramatically. Everyone in the business was selling their stuff dirt cheap....regardless of how good the weed was. I had weed just sitting as I wouldn't go below what I felt was a fair price for both wholesale and retail.

I know more than a few growers across the nation facing the same problem, and it didn't matter if they were in a legal state or not. Several of my friends.....who were putting out 12 lb's a month ended up shutting down completely and had to go out and get jobs.

Is this happening to you too? Is there a solution to this mess?

Go legit and focus on brand recognition or don't bother.
Southern CA, easy moving prime. Not “2k+”, I move @24-28. All legal.

I really don’t take too many pics. These are from a room that came down a few weeks ago. Taken for new partner and crew. Represented are Gelato 33 and GSC Thin Mints (those were the only ones that I “shot” during that take down). I have posted images of nearly everything I have (~30 strains), but Photobucket now wants to collect membership fees for 3’rd party hosting. I can still recover those images from their site.
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If you’re having “moving issues”, I don’t have any problem introducing you. If it’s good, “it’s good”.

How about you post yours? Ticket?

California is the biggest legal market in the world. My personal philosophy as a grower has always been to ensure a superior quality product. Even if it costs a little more to produce having a more competitive product is worth it.
Welcome to the free market, it self-corrects. Right now there are many trying their hands, but prices will discourage many of those and it will go up again a bit.

Exactly. With so much push/pull between new states legalizing and headlines going either way about federal policy it'll be awhile before it stabilizes.
I think the consumer is the winner in all this.

And second place goes to anyone that wants to make a shot load of money and not have to worry so much about going to prison a having all of the fruits of their labor confiscated.
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... My personal philosophy as a grower has always been to ensure a superior quality product. Even if it costs a little more to produce having a more competitive product is worth it.

There is a level achieved by so few that it will never experience “hardship”. “Connoisseur grade”, “Boutique”, “Exotic”, these are terms commonly used to describe/refer to the “exquisite”.

Competitive, no, strive to be “without peer”. It’s at that point that the “economics” are at your mercy (to an extent, but the highest degree).
There is a level achieved by so few that it will never experience “hardship”. “Connoisseur grade”, “Boutique”, “Exotic”, these are terms commonly used to describe/refer to the “exquisite”.

Competitive, no, strive to be “without peer”. It’s at that point that the “economics” are at your mercy (to an extent, but the highest degree).

"Superior" was a poor choice of words on my part. I've heard plenty of people say that they or their buddy grows the best weed around and it's never that good. Sometimes decent but lacking and usually clearly subpar.

There's a level of quality that can't be surpassed. That's the nature of genetic potential. The best we can do is to be on par with our peers that have learned to reach that maximum genetic potential. That's why I'll never claim to have the "best weed around" but I will claim to be able to compete with the best.