What the heck is going on with pot prices?

I know, I was just referring to the price of morel's lol. I have certified organic fields presently growing feed crops used at an organic dairy. Find a niche market and fill it. As long as the stuff stays in vogue you've got it the bag so to speak lol.

I had a friend whose wife grew nothing but tomatoe plants out of a greenhouse about the size of a big walk in closet that took up a small corner of their deck and she made 12k-15k a year just selling the plants out of it.
Heat always flows from the warmest to the coldest ,
Water although is a great heat transfer material it is also one of the worst at storing heat.
It always amazes me the things people think of to come up with.
Sometimes these ideas are valid sometimes only good on paper.
The perfect example of this is geothermal. Great in theory just to expensive to purchase and maintain in reality.
If the government was not handing out free welfare checks to the rich( this is what it is) you would see very few geothermal systems.
The ideas are endless of heating and cooling methods that are available.
I like the idea, but from a installer or maintenance point of view a system must be reasonable to install have easy access to parts for repair, easy and inexpensive to maintain and reasonably efficient.
I talked piles of peke out of installing higher efficiency equipment because of the initial cost and maintenance of the equipment is more expensive than any realized cost savings .
Everything is a factor and it all boils down to money.
Not many people if they understand the whole picture will spend 10 thousand to save a couple of hundred dollars, there are some who will though .
I will try to look up the system you mentioned and do a little more research on the cost benefit of it.
for five years I’ve only had to replace the filters on my geo. So maintenance other than is simply vacuuming the coils which I do. I didn’t get any refund or anything it was just a better way to heat my house and everything. It keeps m y house and grow rooms all nice and in check. So I’m wondering what’s all the maintenance cost your referring to on geo? Anyone I’ve know or known with geo loves it and has had no issues with their setups.
Doesn't make you right either. Internet diagnosis is only so so in my opinion

You're right about that but one dying leaf on a plant that looks like it's on the day of harvest is a pretty weak ass and petty thing to attack if you're trying to discredit someone else to make yourself look better.

That's all you've done in your few posts since you showed up in this thread. I'll be ignoring your account now. I don't waste my time with bullies
I've seen it as low as 800 where I'm at. There's 10 home growers on my block and 3 commercial grows that I know of within ten blocks of me. I'm still sitting on pounds from my greenhouses. You can get all butt hurt, run your mouth and try to call people out for whatever reason but I'm not buying his or yours even though they both look great.
I am glad you are getting a good price , I want to see people earn a living ,
At these prices right now it will make it hard on a small grower,
In order to over come the low prices you have to produce more per watt.
If you can't do that then MOST growers will go under . It's already started , lots of business failures .
I am so happy to hear you are getting your prices , that means you do have a superior quality product .
You will still have to increase production per watt.
It is just a business and everyone needs to make a living .
It still cost the same amount to run a light wether it produces 2 lbs or six.
Obviously the guy who produces 6 can sale his product at a 1/3 the price beating you to death in the market place,
If you have a niche market area then you can survive this .
I do it see in the not to distant future of those who can do will, those who can't will go get a 9 to 5 and maybe grow a little on the side .
You're right about that but one dying lead on a plant that looks like it's on the day if harvest is a pretty weak ass and petty thing to attack if you're trying to discredit someone else to make yourself look better.

That's all you've done in your few posts since you showed up in this thread. I'll be ignoring your account now. I don't waste my time with bullies
Good. 15k off tomatoes. Lols. I just called out the bull do do on this thread. You and Odin and your prices...
I am glad you are getting a good price , I want to see people earn a living ,
At these prices right now it will make it hard on a small grower,
In order to over come the low prices you have to produce more per watt.
If you can't do that then MOST growers will go under . It's already started , lots of business failures .
I am so happy to hear you are getting your prices , that means you do have a superior quality product .
You will still have to increase production per watt.
It is just a business and everyone needs to make a living .
It still cost the same amount to run a light wether it produces 2 lbs or six.
Obviously the guy who produces 6 can sale his product at a 1/3 the price beating you to death in the market place,
If you have a niche market area then you can survive this .
I do it see in the not to distant future of those who can do will, those who can't will go get a 9 to 5 and maybe grow a little on the side .

I've heard the same thing from people for years. They prefer mine because with few exceptions it's consistently the best around. I have to take that with a grain of salt but at the same time they keep coming back.

I hear you about the failures too. I've seen lots of ads for small warehouse grows worth of equipment on craigslist. It's actually a really good proxy for guaging the industries ups and downs.
I have a bunch to go do.
I want to thank everyone e here for this discussion and learning experience.
This is what I miss the most about being on here is a proper discussion ,
I do not get on here very often because of the bickering and foolishness .
This is what the forum should be about is US discussing issues and ideas to help one another become better at what we do.
Thanks all of you guys, I have to go now , alot to do
In Black Market terms what is happening is that your Turf is Being Stepped On by bigger and better gangsters with more weapons: IE multinational corporations.

There is an 800,000 square foot facility being built in my city by the same Corporation who is building a 1 million-square-foot facility in Holland. They claim that their cost of production will be less than $0.75 per gram...

Do the math. Then multiply by how many corporations?

Same thing happened to booze.
for five years I’ve only had to replace the filters on my geo. So maintenance other than is simply vacuuming the coils which I do. I didn’t get any refund or anything it was just a better way to heat my house and everything. It keeps m y house and grow rooms all nice and in check. So I’m wondering what’s all the maintenance cost your referring to on geo? Anyone I’ve know or known with geo loves it and has had no issues with their setups.
Before I was a grower I was and still am a professional heating and air tech .
I wouldn't give you two cents for a geothermal system.
Everything breaks down ,EVERYTHING .
And when it does you better have at least 15 k available to fix it,.
Do you know how much heat or Colling I can buy for that?
No thanks you can keep it. It's not that they are bad systems just not cost effective
In Black Market terms what is happening is that your Turf is Being Stepped On by bigger and better gangsters with more weapons: IE multinational corporations.

There is an 800,000 square foot facility being built in my city by the same Corporation who is building a 1 million-square-foot facility in Holland. They claim that their cost of production will be less than $0.75 per gram...

Do the math. Then multiply by how many corporations?

Same thing happened to booze.
Here we go again comparing apples to oranges . I do not care what their cost per gram is , they will still have expensive tax's and regulations to come with ,
This is what drives the cost up.
As compared to a grower with no regulations or tax's . Good luck with that
I have a bunch to go do.
I want to thank everyone e here for this discussion and learning experience.
This is what I miss the most about being on here is a proper discussion ,
I do not get on here very often because of the bickering and foolishness .
This is what the forum should be about is US discussing issues and ideas to help one another become better at what we do.
Thanks all of you guys, I have to go now , alot to do

Ditto that. Every last part.
Before I was a grower I was and still am a professional heating and air tech .
I wouldn't give you two cents for a geothermal system.
Everything breaks down ,EVERYTHING .
And when it does you better have at least 15 k available to fix it,.
Do you know how much heat or Colling I can buy for that?
No thanks you can keep it. It's not that they are bad systems just not cost effective
How long ago did you work on geo? I’ve never seen or heard of anyone that had to shell out 15 grand to repair anything on a geo setup. Granted I had to shell out Some cash for the loops to be drilled and all of that. But your right everything breaks I just feel your inflating the cost of repair. Parts are there the issue is having folks that are trained to service the units that’s the issue I’ve found.
Ummm well again I would have to disagree but then my specialty is geo design and install lol. I do see that look on people's faces though when quoting a closed loop lol. If designed and installed properly they have an amazing reliability record. The problem typically is the installation was f up. There are very few people that actually know WTF they are doing here. We haven't had any grants here for 20 years and still do 10-15 a year. You are correct though the initial cost and the bad rap re residential fucked up installs has had an affect. Also with the cost of propane and NG. at record low prices the pay back is extended. My system is 20 years old and works like a charm but I installed it and have no access to NG , if I did I would have a gas boiler lol.
The largest problem I see with systems of any type is the initial installation being screwed up. Normally in the duct work and air flow .
I like I said everything wear out and needs replaced , normal life expectancy is 15 to 20 years.
It's no wonder you like geo if you get paid to pit them in. I was paid to fix them and condemn then when necessary .
The cost of them far out exceeds the saving from them .
Keep in mind brother I am not knocking you at all. I do not like them , like for example a t stat for a water furnace is a couple of thousand dollars. I can change a whole conventional system for the cost of a T stat and have money left over.
Somw things do not make economic sense . Geothermal is one of those .
It works great when it is working correctly. If not it's one of the most ficked up things ever.
I stopped working on boiler system because I get tired of people bitching about the cost.
It seems like when you get into a old system and you start messing with corroded water pipes and when they break you have to go tell the owner that's another grand , then you do something else and it falls apart and you go back to the owner, that will be another grand .
I had a friend whose wife grew nothing but tomatoe plants out of a greenhouse about the size of a big walk in closet that took up a small corner of their deck and she made 12k-15k a year just selling the plants out of it.
Tomato's in a green house explode with production and no problem finding customers to sell them to.
You can make a killing off a green house in the winter especially growing tomato's .
One tomato plant you can just keep picking them too,
How long ago did you work on geo? I’ve never seen or heard of anyone that had to shell out 15 grand to repair anything on a geo setup. Granted I had to shell out Some cash for the loops to be drilled and all of that. But your right everything breaks I just feel your inflating the cost of repair. Parts are there the issue is having folks that are trained to service the units that’s the issue I’ve found.
yup geo is like solar back in the early 80s,not to many no what the hell there doing
The largest problem I see with systems of any type is the initial installation being screwed up. Normally in the duct work and air flow .
I like I said everything wear out and needs replaced , normal life expectancy is 15 to 20 years.
It's no wonder you like geo if you get paid to pit them in. I was paid to fix them and condemn then when necessary .
The cost of them far out exceeds the saving from them .
Keep in mind brother I am not knocking you at all. I do not like them , like for example a t stat for a water furnace is a couple of thousand dollars. I can change a whole conventional system for the cost of a T stat and have money left over.
Somw things do not make economic sense . Geothermal is one of those .
It works great when it is working correctly. If not it's one of the most ficked up things ever.
I stopped working on boiler system because I get tired of people bitching about the cost.
It seems like when you get into a old system and you start messing with corroded water pipes and when they break you have to go tell the owner that's another grand , then you do something else and it falls apart and you go back to the owner, that will be another grand .
Your saying a thermostat for geo is thousands of dollars? Just replaced the one for climate master it cost me all of 115 bucks just because I wanted to update to the newer version. Honeywell makes plenty that do everything minus give me unit stats like my l1 and l2 temps or how many watts the pump is using and all that.
The largest problem I see with systems of any type is the initial installation being screwed up. Normally in the duct work and air flow .
I like I said everything wear out and needs replaced , normal life expectancy is 15 to 20 years.
It's no wonder you like geo if you get paid to pit them in. I was paid to fix them and condemn then when necessary .
The cost of them far out exceeds the saving from them .
Keep in mind brother I am not knocking you at all. I do not like them , like for example a t stat for a water furnace is a couple of thousand dollars. I can change a whole conventional system for the cost of a T stat and have money left over.
Somw things do not make economic sense . Geothermal is one of those .
It works great when it is working correctly. If not it's one of the most ficked up things ever.
I stopped working on boiler system because I get tired of people bitching about the cost.
It seems like when you get into a old system and you start messing with corroded water pipes and when they break you have to go tell the owner that's another grand , then you do something else and it falls apart and you go back to the owner, that will be another grand .

Does T stat=thermostat? 2g's to replace a thermostat?

I knew a guy who thought he was the shit when he bought an XJ12. Then came time to change the oil. That's when he found out that you have to drop the transmission to pull the oil filter. I don't think he even changed the oil before he sold the car.
Does T stat=thermostat? 2g's to replace a thermostat?

I knew a guy who thought he the shit when he bought an XJ12. Then came time to change the oil. That's when he found out that you have to drop the transmission to pull the oil filter. I don't think he even changed the oil before he sold the car.
Lord I’m hoping I was wrong really and he’s not saying a thermostat cost that. Because if so his supplier is ripping him off.
Tomato's in a green house explode with production and no problem finding customers to sell them to.
You can make a killing off a green house in the winter especially growing tomato's .
One tomato plant you can just keep picking them too,

And they were just selling the plants. A big greenhouse with indeterminate tomatoe plants can break 6 figures if you really dial it in.

I'm really curious about strawberries. They're a photoperiod plant just like cannabis. Imagine the looks when people ask how you made your fortune and the answer starts with "I built a bunch of big light dep greenhouses" and ends with "to grow strawberries year round".

I've looked into it a bit. It's already a thing. Gotta poke around the local market a bit.
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The largest problem I see with systems of any type is the initial installation being screwed up. Normally in the duct work and air flow .
I like I said everything wear out and needs replaced , normal life expectancy is 15 to 20 years.
It's no wonder you like geo if you get paid to pit them in. I was paid to fix them and condemn then when necessary .
The cost of them far out exceeds the saving from them .
Keep in mind brother I am not knocking you at all. I do not like them , like for example a t stat for a water furnace is a couple of thousand dollars. I can change a whole conventional system for the cost of a T stat and have money left over.
Somw things do not make economic sense . Geothermal is one of those .
It works great when it is working correctly. If not it's one of the most ficked up things ever.
I stopped working on boiler system because I get tired of people bitching about the cost.
It seems like when you get into a old system and you start messing with corroded water pipes and when they break you have to go tell the owner that's another grand , then you do something else and it falls apart and you go back to the owner, that will be another grand .

The ducting to be buried and the top side of the gaht system. The only moving parts are the fans and thermostats or whatever control unit you use. Very simple, no expensive failure prone parts, and effective.


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