what the hel is this snot shit


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
this is my first time in a bubble cloner and never seen this. is this normal. 4 days after putting in. does my clone have a cold. LOL:hump:



Active Member
I think it's root rot. I battled that shit for weeks - it killed my roots, stunted growth, etc. Until I discovered Hydrogen Peroxide.

Go to WalMart, KMart, etc. Get 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Use 3 tablespoons per gallon every other day. After it's gone, continue 3 tablespoons every three days per gallon to prevent it from coming back.

I hope this helps. I battled this over and over and over. Once I started using H2O2 I'm snot free.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I think it's root rot. I battled that shit for weeks - it killed my roots, stunted growth, etc. Until I discovered Hydrogen Peroxide.

Go to WalMart, KMart, etc. Get 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Use 3 tablespoons per gallon every other day. After it's gone, continue 3 tablespoons every three days per gallon to prevent it from coming back.

I hope this helps. I battled this over and over and over. Once I started using H2O2 I'm snot free.
im trying to root them, they have none at all.its only been 4 days sence i cut them


Well-Known Member
man i never seen that before. looks wild. read my thread on h2o2 before u decide to use it. i read an article in urban gardener that it can actually be quite damaging. but i never had a problem with h2o2. but they do use stabilizers in the 3% from the store that arent good. and the 35% they stopped makin :/ i switched to DutchMaster Zone root conditioner and love the results. jus somethin to think about :D
^^heres the link for that thread


Well-Known Member

That is weird! I have never used a cloner but I GUARANTEE it's not root rot!
You actually have to have roots before you get rot of the roots :)


Well-Known Member
it may not be root rot, but that part that is all slimey is rotten, so whatever.
whats the water temp in your bubble cloner (if you know)? I have goten similiar slime in my EZClone wen the water is over 82f....



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
im sure the temp is below 70 degress.im going to let them abit longer and if nothing then i'll cut more and start again.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have some nasty pathogens living in your cloner. I would dump it and clean the shit out of it with 35% H202. If you do get roots, it will attack them as well.
I don't use a cloner but I add 65ml per 10 gallons of 35% H202 to my res every three or four days, and it definitly helps keep things under control.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Looks like you have some nasty pathogens living in your cloner. I would dump it and clean the shit out of it with 35% H202. If you do get roots, it will attack them as well.
I don't use a cloner but I add 65ml per 10 gallons of 35% H202 to my res every three or four days, and it definitly helps keep things under control.
ya im trowing it out to day. good thing it only cost 10 dollars. i'll start new ones today in my cubes. better luck.:peace:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
opk so i just decided to touch the snoty shit and its hard and slimy.thats some wierd shit. its like it one big long tab rooot trying to formbut clones don't get tap roots. im ging to just let them go fuck it i'll see what happens.


Active Member
you should chop that shit off and put it back in there with some fresh PH balanced water! - put your water pump on a cycle timer - they are like 50-80$ at the grow store -

that way you can set your pump to turn on in intervals so the water doesnt get all hot and kill your plants. - the pump only needs to run for a few seconds every fewminutes - i use 10 seconds on - 5minutes off.


Well-Known Member
I would not throw that clone out. It is rooting gel that is hanging off of it. Yep looks like snot, but it'snot! Hope you did not already toss it.


Well-Known Member
I would not throw that clone out. It is rooting gel that is hanging off of it. Yep looks like snot, but it'snot! Hope you did not already toss it.
Unless he gave that cutting a complete baptism in rooting gel, which I doubt that he would, That has to be some kind of funk breeding in there.