What the hell does this mean?!


Active Member
I have 4 plants and 3 strains.

The strains are big buddha cheese, super silver haze and two white diesels.

Well all the plants look healthy (sorry, my camera cannot focus at close ranges for shit) except on my diesels (Not just one but both of them) the tips of their leaves are curling upwards or inwards like a weird chainsaw blade.

My BBC plant has big, smooth fan leaves and my haze has smaller smooth leaves. Both diesels have weird blade like edges and curl upwards a bit. I know it cannot be a water or light issue since they are all the same size and receive everything equally.



Well-Known Member
well that also happened to me on vegging! and it was a result of over-heating (temperatures higher than 33ºC/91ºF) u can move your lamp higher or(and) put some fans (it will also help the stem get stronger)

at least it worked for me


Active Member
How can it be too much heat? The light has been about 12 inches from the plants since they sprouted and its a 65w CFL in my closet, Its always cool in there...


Active Member
ok I Just put a small fan in there and moved the light a bit higher, but how come its just the diesels and not the haze or cheese doing it?


Well-Known Member
well take the tempature and tell us what it is no point shouting at us for giving u are honest oppinion is there!!!

god damn it


Active Member
sorry, I don't want to come across as yelling at you. But its just very odd, I did have heavy crispy once but that was when I had the light mere inches from the plants and they were alot smaller.

Right now though its been steadily about 10" - 12" from the plants and its not warm. Its not crispy as in they turn yellow, but its more like the tips of the edges on the diesel leaves are curl like a weird trait. I can't see this on the other plants, just diesels.

Again, didn't mean to come across as angry. I appreciate any and all help.


Active Member
okay I don't have anything for a digital temp but I got a regular outside thermometer in there. It cannot be more than 75-80 degrees in there without the fan on.


Well-Known Member
Different strains can act differently to the same environment. You can get a digital temp and humidity meter at Wallyworld for 5$. Good luck and keep us updated.


Active Member
okay I'll pick one up. Okay upon further examination I noticed that each plant is showing a bit of curling. I think it might be the light, I lowered it last night and its shown so now I've backed it offf a decent bit and I think it will be okay.

Would it help the plants heal if it I let them sleep 6 hours a day for a few days? they've been at 24/7 for a while now.


Well-Known Member
Would it help the plants heal if it I let them sleep 6 hours a day for a few days? they've been at 24/7 for a while now.
i started with 18/6 right from the beginning and i noticed that in the night its always cooler and more humid so my common sense tells me that the night cool down the plants

also have some more theories about the dark periods but for now i will hold them in peace ...lol

but, not sure if its good to start swapping day/night cycles, maybe someone more experienced may answer u better on that issue


New Member
They Point up to the light because they are happy. They have what they want, light, nutrients, room to grow. Would you be standing tall if you had what you wanted.


Well-Known Member
What's the humidity like in there? The white diesel might have a different tolerance to heat and/or humidity than the other strains. I know that I had a room that was too hot for a while. Silver haze basically grew just fine; I was growing Northern Lights at the same time in the same space, and it just wouldn't work. I feel like I've had leaves do exactly that from humidity issues though.