What the hell is going on here? (pics)


Well-Known Member

My plants started slowly going into a light green.
At first, they 2 of the where REEEALLY dark green. Now they are
light green!

and the bottom leaves are almost yellow :(

What can be wrong?

im runing 18/6 with 8 cfl. i think light is not a problem, cos everything grows fast in there. but, i thought lights could be too close to them so i took them up.
nothing changed.

am i watering the wrong way?
do i have to leave tap water evaporate its chemicals for a longer period?

i have an organic fertilizer... will it help? its for veg.


:( :(


Active Member
Your plants need more Nitrogen. The leaves are turning a paler colour from the bottom up because the plant is siphoning off the Nitrogen from the leaves to support the new growth. Just feed them some more N and they should be fine within a couple days.


Active Member
Looks like a N deficiency but at the same time your tips are curling down which can be a sign of over fertilizing...how often do you water? Which nutes are you using?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
That's what we are all saying, you are not feeding it what it needs. It needs Nitrogen, and you don't have any, so you are deficient. What nutes are you planning on using?


Active Member
ive given them no nutes at all!

so it is a N def?
It's N def then, you should start feeding your plants Nutes at about the 2nd week. Like I said before start feeding them some nutes that are high in Nitrogen and they'll be fine.

Also, make sure the nutes you are planning to use have some Zinc cos I think I see some Zinc def too which doesn't really shock me as you haven't been feeding them any nutes at all yet.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I think its over fertilized honestly. If your using a soil with fertilizer in it than that's likely what the problem is IMO. I would try watering less since fertilizer is released when watering. Dark green is generally a symptom of nitrogen overdose and the plants can start to look deficient because the plant is unable to takje up nutrients that are in the soil due to the ph being out of balance. I would be surprised if plants that size were nutrient deficient because generally the soil is enpugh for the first couple weeks of growth.


Active Member
Well, he's stated he hasn't fed them any Nutes at all so I'm assuming thats the reason why. I think he knows what to do now ~


Well-Known Member
no nutes at all!

why this soil doesnt have all nutes for the plants?

i mean... if i plant another plant in this soil, will it grow also with N def?


Well-Known Member
my ORGANIC fertilizer is called POTTING MIX, and it is: 5 - 1.5 - 0

it has 5% Nitrogen.

i didnt use it on my plants yet.
should i use it?

do i need something quicker for my plants???


New Member
its a N def
ur soil had some nutrients in it,thats y it grew as big as it did before u showed symptoms
it is NOT burned
it is NOT a ph problem
just start feeding it nutrients and it will be gravy


Well-Known Member
my nutes are those organics i mentioned above..

are those ok?
it is like a red powder