What the hell is happening to my plants?!

high po

I have been only reading this wonderful forum for 4 months...
This is my first post...
I wish my first post would be about how wonderful my big juicy buds were..
But instead of smoking those buds, I am trying to find the reason why my leafs go yellow for four months...

Here is the case...

These guys are feminized auto-flower Short riders.
the flowering one 'born' on december 2th 2009.
Other 3 is 1,5 months old.
They are all on 24 hour light.

Main light is a 250W CLF. This is for the 3 veggy.
For the flowering guy I have 4 additional 23 Watts.
I feed them with drinking water once a week (PH 6.2 - 6.8), 1 litre per pot.
I use FORMULA FLORA ( http://www.amsterdammarijuanaseedbank.com/marijuanafertilizer.html ) as fertilizer.
I use this fertilizer on every watering session.
The Temp of the plants is around 27-30 Celsius.
Humidity is %40- %45
There is a fan working 16 hours a day. I turn it of only I sleep.
Only 8 hours per day the door is kept shot. (this is the toilet in my room, can't sleep with that much of light)

This is my 3th grow and on every grow I got these yellowing (starting from the tips) leafs... They (obviously) grow so slowly. And this yellowing of the leafs... They start next day of the watering... They start yellowing from the very first 10 days after germination.

A month ago I found a fertilizer (%1,65 N ; %1,00 Fe ; %2,25 Mg) to prevent leafs from yellowing (that's what's claimed on the bottle)... It doesn't work..

What do you think?
Please help me.....


get some Ocean Forest soil and use that instead of what you have. your nutes are way out of wack, dont flush it will just cause problems later, your problems now are too sever. Get new soil ready and transplant as soon as possible.


Active Member
Waayyyyy too much fertilizer! Go easy- if you see the tips burning that is the first sign- just give them PH adjusted water. When my ladies are small I fertillize every two waterings.


Well-Known Member
autos grow so fast normally you dont need much for the short veg and give a bit of bat guano once it starts flowering. I am curios how long your soil stays wet and how often you water. I would let it dry out well and only use a weak tea like florablend from GH for now or just water but let it dry good before watering and see how it does, good luck

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
wow man. Definately nute burn I am surprised they are still alive and they are 1.5 month old seedlings there? Anyways don't overdue it I use a soil with worm castings or ocean forest this time and don't fertilize for 3-4 weeks generally my plants are bigger than yours by the time they need nutrients. Good luck first grows suck ass. Peace