What the hell is this? Kinda scared!


Well-Known Member
Aight ill back off the nutes i guess for now, give it another week and see whats up. As mentioned before though, they are soooo small for being 3 weeks and i'm so dumbfounded by this.


Well-Known Member
well that doesnt really help lol. and ya, i water them once a day and that is when the soil is dry all the way to the bottom, the soil dries out fast. I give em a good watering everytime too. i was doing it twice a day like i said, but sometimes it wasnt alll the way dry and i would have to give it another hour or so. So i figured id water em only once a day.

The only way a plant that size would need to be watered daily is if it was in a shot glass! If a 12 0z cup is drying out in 2 days I would say your room is too hot and dry. Roots can't grow if they can't breath.


Well-Known Member
Just read through your journal. nice Kit, good job. Are you still simply misting the top of you planters? I think you need to water them in until it runs out the bottom of the pot, them give them a few days to dry out. You want to water them really good, not just the surface. Make sure there's some runoff. Just water them bitches in.

You will find their rhythm or cycle. for many that's every 3 days. YMMV

Of everything you document in your journal. This is the only thing that jumped out at me as a potential problem.


Well-Known Member
Nah i water them pretty heavy. water usually comes out the bottom. But its usually dry by the next day. Temps are about 77 - 81 and RH is about 41-44%. Have a fan blowing directly on em 24/7 which i think is a factor of the soil drying out. Maybe ill take yer advice though, like i said in the journal, i would rather under water than over water. Maybe ill try not watering them as much this week and update on what happens.


Well-Known Member
Make sure the container is light in weight, as opposed to feeling the soil. I 'm usually 10 days into 12/12 at 3 weeks. something is holding them back. It can really only be a few things at this stage. Not enough or too much water, which will drown the roots. Perhaps take one and treat it a little differently to see if you can nail it down.