What the hell is this?


So recently i germinated some seeds and all of em sprouted but 1 of them is weird, see it for yourself.



Active Member
whats so weird? looks like the first set of real leaves coming out or rr u talking about the white? in which case it could have a albino gene or it could be a diffency i had one of mine do that once were the tips didnt really grow much and the rest of the leaf was fine and the tip died off....other then that its perfectly normal


Kinda freaked me out never saw anything like it. If u guys think its cool then i guess i have nothing to worry about. Thanks for the info guys. PEACE!


Active Member
yeah those pics rreally arnt any better but i highly doubt that a plant will immediately show its sex even before it throws out any real leaves so im leaning twards those being ur leaf tips and for what everr reason there white like i said earlier itll still grrow just fine