What the hell is wrong with ROLLITUP.ORG?


Well-Known Member
RIU knows there are issues and he is trying very hard to fix them. I understand his frustrations and feel them too. The title is negative to begin with and calling RIU a complete waste of time, is bashing it to me. :mrgreen::peace:
Ok, that bit does kind of qualify it. But, I don't think he's saying that the site itself is a waste of time, it's a waste of time to try to work with the site when you can't, maybe...? Honestly, if a person can't get to the site, they can't even use it. I know that when I have those sorts of problems I get pretty frustrated. I've become highly accustomed to my internet access.
i often have him in chat in a second window. even if we aren't chatting he is most often a click away. whenever i have issues i immediately let him know. 9 times outta 10 he is already on it.

i tried to open a web site just to post some articles on. i couldn't get past page 1. this shit is hard. fdd2blk.com
I remember that. ;)

Some people may have issues others don't, for instance, if something doesn't play well with your browser, that could be a problem.


New Member
Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out ... Bro they said they were upgrading the site ,,, bear with it or go wherever you want .. its a free world ..
It takes as long as it takes Snapperhead.... Stop your pissing and moaning .. If you have been paying attention Admin (rollitup) has stated there will be problems and delays ,,, IT's NOT like you paid a membership,,,,,,, Bye Bye ...... You'll be back cause you KNOW THIS SITE IS THE BEST ON THE WEB

i often have him in chat in a second window. even if we aren't chatting he is most often a click away. whenever i have issues i immediately let him know. 9 times outta 10 he is already on it.

i tried to open a web site just to post some articles on. i couldn't get past page 1. this shit is hard. fdd2blk.com
I clicked on the link and it took me to a gay porn site. WTH?


bongjuice, if you're still here... let me say that i know exactly what you are talking about... i am on here a large amount of time, and definately know the frustrations rui can offer at times... but the fact is sometimes shit happens; when it does, im patient, as sometimes you have to take a step back to move two forward.... the problems never last long, i assume b/c rollitup is always on the ball here... if you are experiencing a problem, shoot him a pm, or post it in the support section... he responds quickly, and as fdd said, is usually aware and working on the problems already.... i'm patient with it; as someone else said, i just open a new tab and go on about life while the pages load when it is giving me problems... or sometimes just (i know it sounds crazy) give up and try again tommorrow... riu will still be here... the web is a big world.... explore other parts sometimes


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem, I honestly think, is the fact that there is only ONE site admin. I know how much work a small site with only a couple hundred members can be, imagine a site with THOUSANDS of members.
^^ ................................ yup get some speed man :)

and maybe changin your browser... or reinstalling might do ya good aswell... delete all spyware programms maybe... ?

and then try using the internet again, might be a little faster.... ;)

but i have exp. probs with the database... thats all
How would that really change his issues that with this ONE site, though? His trouble isn't with the 'net, it's site specific.


Well-Known Member
Part of the problem, I honestly think, is the fact that there is only ONE site admin. I know how much work a small site with only a couple hundred members can be, imagine a site with THOUSANDS of members.
How would that really change his issues that with this ONE site, though? His trouble isn't with the 'net, it's site specific.
good evening y'all first of all ;) :blsmoke::joint::peace:

..... yeah we run of the biggest warez community sites out there... i know its tough.... we are 99% online.. that 1% seems to be allot to ppl cuz there are so many people that connect at that time.. ^^

so yeah i understand.. i dont realy care, because this site loads like in 2 seconds.... even threads with loads of pics load in 3-5 secs....


Oh and dont forget i am in europe and was mostly online between 8:00am -17:00 pm ..... so we had about 300 browsing the site...


America is when i come home from outside and y'all are just getting back from ya grows and smoking ya first joint.... its very slow at 2am here in europe till about 6 am in the morning.. hey sometimes even americans are still online at 10am here.. so thats like 3 am there........ haha ^^ wtf y'all doing at that time :D:D:D

hihihi guess america is like a 24/7 things going on... ^^

peace :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i would think if it were site related EVERYONE would be having the exact same issues. i know the search function is funky and the galleries are gone, but i'm having no loading issues. smooth sailing on my end.


Well-Known Member
The other day riu was pretty slow for me and I just went to another weed forum and it was pretty close to exactly the same different colors but the same only a little faster that day...I felt dirty being on that site....RIU FOR LIFE


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
i would think if it were site related EVERYONE would be having the exact same issues. i know the search function is funky and the galleries are gone, but i'm having no loading issues. smooth sailing on my end.
Same on my end, it has been days without issues. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
why don't i get them? :-?
Because it has to happen when you're making the query. Next time you post screen capture the page that flashes up, shows how many queries were made on the database. Think "What if EVERYONE flushed their toilets at the same time?"

Oh yeah, also, you're elite AND you're staff. You may have priority permissions that "regular" users don't.


Well-Known Member
Because it has to happen when you're making the query. Next time you post screen capture the page that flashes up, shows how many queries were made on the database. Think "What if EVERYONE flushed their toilets at the same time?"

Oh yeah, also, you're elite AND you're staff. You may have priority permissions that "regular" users don't.
i don't think my status affects my loading speed. i could be wrong. :blsmoke:
nothing flashes up on my screen.


Well-Known Member
On dial-up, RIU often does display loading issues most other sites don't, but hey, whaddya want for free POT?
Just growing pains at headquarters. Be patient. I believe they're sincere in their efforts to make this site top-notch in all possible ways.


i would think if it were site related EVERYONE would be having the exact same issues. i know the search function is funky and the galleries are gone, but i'm having no loading issues. smooth sailing on my end.

guess i browse too much porn:mrgreen: