what the hell?!?!?pics


howdy do all.
using Adv. Nutes g/m/b.
no problems till today. today was the res change.
i needed to do it yesterday so i only gave it half and the other half today. once again, no problems ever...
when i opened up this morning what u see below happened. i added the other half of the calculated nutes for today and now i wait. i noticed that the top of the bud is crispy as well. the leaves arent crispy, just shriveled.
this is the only branch that looks like this. the rest of the plants(3) all look awesome.
some dead loss at the bottom but within normal limits....
thanks for the insight!!



Well-Known Member
may want to check the heat definitely looks like an overheating issue.. also.. watering.. if you keep the soil to soggy the roots can start to rot causing this. make sure your not over watering


im in a hydro system, so def not overwatering.
the heat is usually a bit high but ive pretty much figured out how to deal with it.
the humidity is always between 30-40.

should i really just chop off thise leaves? wont it create more stress? should i let them just die on their own?


Well-Known Member
i had a plant with problems simular to this and cut bad parts of plant off and it came back and looks great


so i cut the crap off.. wound up being three leaves and the new growth at the very top. the leaves themselves were brown.....
never seen brown on a leaf that felt so healthy.....


Well-Known Member
it looks like they were too close to the light and go burnt, can't see it being a nutrient problem


yeah i redid the res yesterday and i had to raise everything pretty close to the light. might have just been burnt. hopefully. the nutes havent been a problem at all.
guess ill have to chock it up to user error.....