What the HELL


Well-Known Member
Man, looks like they are frying. Wat sort of light do u have them under? How close r they, guna need more detail, but thats wat i can gather from the pictures.
Hope this helps :joint:


Well-Known Member
And Yes, it is a gud idea to cut these leaves. The plant spends energy trying to fix these problem leaves - but they r clearly a lost cause, so yes, remove them.


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding her anything? Could possibly be nute burn. (good soil flush could help) Do need more info. either way! Goodluck


Well-Known Member
Without any other information I would suspect heat abuse. How hot is it in your grow area?


Active Member
Ive got them under 6 26 watt CFLs and also some 4 ft floros.. The temperature is about 82 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity is about 30%.. Can we narrow it down anymore?


Active Member
I am going to move them into another location that is 7-ft by 4-ft and they will have about 6-ft height optimally, but could go to the ceiling if that would work better ha.. How should I set that room up for the best potential?


Active Member
Today I went to the local garden store and purchased a soil testing kit and it turns out that my PH seems to be fine but Nitrogen, Phosphorus, AND Potassium seem to all be high. I'm using MG African Violet Soil mixed with part MG Perlite so I don't think flushing would be a good idea because it would only release more nutrients to my soil... Right? What should I do??


Active Member
Today I went to the local garden store and purchased a soil testing kit and it turns out that my PH seems to be fine but Nitrogen, Phosphorus, AND Potassium seem to all be high. I'm using MG African Violet Soil mixed with part MG Perlite so I don't think flushing would be a good idea because it would only release more nutrients to my soil... Right? What should I do??
Are you adding nutes to your MG soil? 5 1/2 weeks should be enough time. I flush after 3 weeks in MG soil to bring out anything that is left in there, and then start doing a full dose of nutes. If you are nuting and didn;t flush your MG soil, it could be Nute burn. My temps are 90-92 with 40% humidity and I have not had anything like that happen to my plants.

Good luck bro! bongsmilie


Active Member
It says on the MG bag that it feeds for like 3 months so I don't know if I should do that or not.. The plants aren't on their death bed yet but I hate seeing them do bad. If I flushed them out, could it potentially kill them and how long until I will know if that worked? I have not used much fertilizer and only used it like 3 times at a very low dosage.. Im stumped


Active Member
It says on the MG bag that it feeds for like 3 months so I don't know if I should do that or not.. The plants aren't on their death bed yet but I hate seeing them do bad. If I flushed them out, could it potentially kill them and how long until I will know if that worked? I have not used much fertilizer and only used it like 3 times at a very low dosage.. Im stumped
Hrm. Well, lemme consult the grow bible and I will get something for an answer for yah. bongsmilie


Active Member
Okay awesome. I need to get myself one of those.. Do you think the local bookstore has some sort? I may have been overwatering, which could have caused my recent problems.. Time will tell. Let me know what you find!


Active Member
Okay awesome. I need to get myself one of those.. Do you think the local bookstore has some sort? I may have been overwatering, which could have caused my recent problems.. Time will tell. Let me know what you find!
I purchased mine at my local Borders. Barnes and Noble carry it as well. You would be surprised about the amount of growing books you can find at a bookstore. bongsmilie

In reference to the leaves, attached is what I could find that was similar. It insinuates nute burn, but it could be a few things. Since the plant is yellowing from the outside in, it could be a nitrogen deficiency. So since that two somewhat counteract each other, I would say check your soil PH. Perhaps overwatering, leading to a nute lockout because of all the shit being released from over watering? Just a guess.

Good luck though! this ones for you! bongsmilie

