What to do at home while tripping?

Space dandy, mighty boosh, cowboy bebop (especially the episode where they find space psylocibin shrooms), speed racer, Disney's fantasia, freitz the cat, futurama, adventure time
I like the mighty boosh, its about two zookeepers who wanna be in a band, and their shaman friend...
There's one scene where one of the guys is rocking out some super spacey psychedelic music and the other guy is like
Where did that come from?
You gotta open the door to your mind man.
And as he says that, he literally opens a tiny door on his head and rainbows shoot out

Or the one where they are attacked by Sasquatch, and the Sasquatches start singing a "hypnotic" song. Shaman guy says watch out for their song! It will turn you into them!!
But what about you?
Don't worry I'm a SHAY-man I'm immune.
Oh that's good to know-
Shaman dude starts dancing and singing like the Sasquatch
Yeah that whole show was probably written on some strooooong psychedelics
thx i'll check em out, need to prepare this time lol
Oh god, what happened? :P The worst I've done is get bored and start writing with a fountain pen while tripping. With an open bottle of ink. I spent hour scrubbing the carpet...... after I noticed the fact that the pretty splashy patterns on the floor weren't just visuals... woops?
i had a trip into the depths of hell off 4.5 g's of cubes which caused me to have horrible anxiety for a month and a half and hppd permanently
Heh. Nice... I found a morning glory vine and picked fresh seedpods off of it. And proceeded to eat them. I think I had about 400. They contain a fair bit of LST as opposed to pretty much 100% LSA when picked fresh from the vine. LST (http://tinyurl.com/jrd54hw) is structurally *almost* identical to LSD. It devolves into LSA after the seeds are picked over a (somewhat) long timespan. The potency is probably much closer to that of LSD. There's around 20-40mg of LSA per 400 dry seeds. This means fresh, there may be, say, 10mg of LST. Oooor 20mg. It's a crapshoot. But, long story short, I hit level five, went blind with fractals and other psychedelia and can't remember much after an hour and change into the heat of it, but the highest point I can remember was a very high level 5, heading even higher. And... oh.... should have mentioned this. This was my first trip. On anything. Ever. I was still at a level 3 18 hours later, sitting in class, trying hopelessly to get work done. To date my favorite trip.

I can't see black. Instead I see a rainbow overlayed black. In dark rooms, I see 3D visual snow. My keyboard currently has very faint traces of gear-like patterns on it.
When I'm in an almost dark room, like the only light is the little one on the extension cord, I can still see the furniture and everything but its all blue and purple/red pointillism
hppd sucks it drives me nuts, i gotta be careful with psychedelics for now on so it don't get worse its mild these days, no tripping balls two days in a row like last time what caused it

seems like weed sets it off like crazy, a lot of times i get vibrant colors right in the corners of my eyes what goes away when i look at it like my first shroom trip, and random bars of color what slide down walls and disappear