What to do? Fim/top/lst/nothing?

So these 3 plants, not the tan/beige pot or the black pot in the white cage case, but instead the other 3 in black pots, are 3 weeks old. When should I start cutting leaves off? Or should i L.S.T first and then fim/top? This is my first time growing so not really sure what to do. Also I think I may have nutrient burned one of my plants, the one at the very bottom of the family. The leave is withering sadly. Any suggestions for this newbie?

Thanks for reading


Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Unless space is an issue, leave it. Also: DON'T FUCKING "BIG LEAF" YOUR PLANT. Plants need leaves for photosynthesis. I lost a dozen plants when someone thought they ought to hack off a bunch of perfectly healthy leaves.