what to do ...F'in nut sacks ....


Active Member
well todays update is very sad :mad: I knew it was too good to be true but today i found dreded nut sacks on one possibly 2 of my bitches and maybe a 3rd...the only thing i can think of is that its bad genetics from the seeds i got from a bag and thats why it had seeds in the buds in the 1st place or i stressed it ...my closet is light proof so that cant be it ...I dont feed it too much nutes only recommended by fox farm ...so i dont know what else to think of any ideas from you guys ..ill take anything !!! soo 1 deff have nut sacks so she is going to get thrown out and shot in the f'in head ...:(BOOM!!!
what happens if one plant only has like 2 sacks can i rip them off or will they just keep growing back x2... soo i took them all out of the closet and inspected all of them 2 are still outside ..1 im stillnot sure of its too soon to tell if it is ....the sad thing is that 1 of them is my Lst plant which is a big bummer damnit she was very promissing....so i am unsure what to do from here i cant keep them in the closet ...so i might just keep them outside to see what happens ...Maybe i can still get bud from her ...what do ya think...Damn YOU NUT SACKS >>>F'in Males ....I just dont get it though man she has buds all over them both but only a couple lil sacks WTF oh well its my 1st grow ill just be ordering real seeds next grow feminized most likely.....i also have a grow journal .link is down by my sig....their is sum unanswered questions in their if anyone feels frisky.:confused:


The Potologist

Active Member
Yeah thats a big case of F'n Ballz. Its a hermie, especially if she has female flowers. Ripping them off....idk, never heard of that being done. Typically I think hermies are two things : Bad Genetics, and/or stress issues.

I wish I had some advice other than to trash it. hermies are hermies....Kinda like a transexual, certianly nothing most people would want, especially for keeps :)
Even if they are to mature, its gonna be some seed ridden bud, with extreme low quality. Hermies, typically when they breed with themselves, breed more hermie...so seed value is 0

p.s. IMO, Fox Farms is Good Stuff. Nothing that would cause a plant to turn into a hermie.

Thats a Cute Rotti...Good Breed IMO


Well-Known Member
you can pull them off if you can keep up on them. if its bag seed it may just be the reason its seeded is one hermied so you got some hermie beans if they are all herm pick balls off everyday, you will prob still get some seeds but the more you stay on ball watch the less seeds you'll get


Well-Known Member
don't throw them away bro.

you can make hash with them... and I can teach you how! if you don't already know how to do it... I don't mind.

I hate to see you waste the plants.. at least get something out of them.

Yup, definately will be all seeds and some very low quality bud if you let her finish. Looks pretty healthy otherwise :). Bad genetics is the most probable cause.
Also some strains are very sensitve to topping/FIMing/heavy pruning, and can easily turn into hermies. Make sure you don't fuck with them to much a week or 2 before switching to 12 12.
you can pull them off if you can keep up on them. if its bag seed it may just be the reason its seeded is one hermied so you got some hermie beans if they are all herm pick balls off everyday, you will prob still get some seeds but the more you stay on ball watch the less seeds you'll get
Don't forget about the countless single banana leafers that it will most likely have. They usually are evrywhere on a hermie and just a few could pollinate the plant.


Active Member
Yeah thats a big case of F'n Ballz.
Thats a Cute Rotti...Good Breed IMO
Ya tell me about it damn balls i will NEVER USE BAG SEED EVER AGAIN 1st GRow so i wanted to go easy and not spend the money....
My Rotti is Great he was a rescue about 4 years ago very aggressive and a bad case of neglect..but he is great now.. almost killed me the 1st day home ...he went for my neck i beat his ass and now he is all good

you can pull them off if you can keep up on them. if its bag seed it may just be the reason its seeded is one hermied so you got some hermie beans if they are all herm pick balls off everyday, you will prob still get some seeds but the more you stay on ball watch the less seeds you'll get
thanks got my Old lady pulling sacks of as we speek

Yup, definately will be all seeds and some very low quality bud if you let her finish. Looks pretty healthy otherwise :). Bad genetics is the most probable cause.
Also some strains are very sensitve to topping/FIMing/heavy pruning, and can easily turn into hermies. Make sure you don't fuck with them to much a week or 2 before switching to 12 12.
no topping/FIMing/heavy pruning no of that just 1 LST plant and thats all


Active Member
don't throw them away bro.

you can make hash with them... and I can teach you how! if you don't already know how to do it... I don't mind.

I hate to see you waste the plants.. at least get something out of them.
I would love to make some hash but i havent ordered my bubble bags yet i have to order seeds for next grow ...Unless you know a great and semi easy way to do it than great


Active Member
well i forgot to ask this question in my original post on this subject but forgot too...If i were to take the female plant in the picture below and throw it outside right now on JULY 5th and leave her outside will she revert back to veg state or will she keep flowering ..i LIve in NC.this plant unfortuinalty i didnt inspect hard for sacks i thought i saw one but i maybe wrong .ill wait a couple days to check again to make sure ..Please let me know if not i have to hurry up and cover her somehow before its toolate cause my closet is lights out for the night and dont want to go in their at all

It will revert to veg , got sum in veg now, check your sunrise n sunset, last time I checked we have 15 hours of sunlight on the east coast,and I wud say that even 13 hours of sunlight is pushin it for flowering. 12/12 is the standard.

The Potologist

Active Member
AWWW, You lucky BEEPER! That is a seriously adorable dog. I love Rotti's...They are such the perfect "mans best friend". I hope that you dont attempt the Ball watch program either brotha...Thats just dumb. Literally. The quality would not even be worth smoking it. Sure you could make some hash, but it would be of the same quality of the bud. Just be wise and take it as a lesson learned in life. Genetics, Genetics, Genetics....its were cultivation should always begin, IMO.

Bongs to You and Your Ruff Ruff Rottie :)

P.S. NO SHE WONT GO BACK TO VEG....statistically speaking. Due to the shitstain genetics, the chances are slim to none. There is alot that it could do, so if you have the means to continue flowering indoors, I would recommend that anyday over taking your chances on throwing her back outdoors.

Peace, Love, and Happiness
Idk man 9 hours of darkness would diminish the flowerng hormone over time n the plants will stop flowering and will veg, more opinions please!