what to do for flushing nute burned dwc plant?


Active Member
are you sure? i had my ppm at like 550 then i jumped it to like 780 and this happened, then i switchded out for tap water and the burning stopped.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Here's one example we use often for P def:

View attachment 1450115

Nutrient burn always starts at the lowest and oldest leaves, usually their tips, because they are the closest to the toxicity. My first guess as to what happened when you switched for plain water is the plants stalled. Deficiencies cause less new damage the slower the plant is growing.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
There are high-P hydro nutes from a few different brands that you could use. As soil growers, for Phosphorus we reccomend a Bone Meal or high-P Guano tea.


Well-Known Member
I would run clean 1/4 strength ph'd solution for 24hrs, then go back to your normal mixture. this will give you a flush as well as a fresh batch of nuted to correct any defecienies.


Active Member
my only problem is im out of distilled water and have just been running it in ph'ed tapwater because my tapwater alone is almost 400ppm....hhhaaaaarrrrrrrdddddddddd as hell.


Active Member
my other bucket is beginning to show what seems to be the same P def....it seems to be the same symptoms as my clone. whats your impression finest? also the clone seems to be in the same state..not getting worse, maybe getting better? the affected areas are the only spots still so thats good. need to get some stuff to LST it..also going to top the seedlings soon..also googling some p supplements..


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
That damage will never heal so not getting worse with healthy growth is the best you can hope for. It would actually be more unusual for only one of them to have shown the problem, so having the other develop symptoms is normal.

What pH are you running?
Florakleen is really awesome for breaking the nute bond on the roots of the plants, but it doesn't seem like that's the problem. I would double check your nute strengths, ph, and deff. give it some softer water. If your 100 percent that your nutes are were they should be, empty your bucket flush with clean PH'd water with a Florakleen add in if you have it for a few hours and then restore the plant back to the nute level you were using. Unfortunately I havn't seen enough P def to say for sure since I use hands off nutes. (Hesi) But just my suggestion


Active Member
my ph never tops 6. i use GH drops but its always a yellow hue until i ph it to an orangish yellow for a high 5.

is flora nova known for these issues? or could it be my rez themselves? i dont have thermometers for them but the waters defninitely cool to my touch...wouldnt swim in it haha..


Active Member
well i dont think iv gotten the clone healthy yet. a few more spots have shown up...idk whats going on. im going to go get more Distilled water and switch my res out for distilled and mild nutes. right now its ph'ed tap water and taht alone sits at 400ppm and who knows what exactly are those solids.

im going to start taking better notes of what my plants are donig. i know now that will in the end help me to create a grow profile to know whats going on.

can anyone help me understand the concepts of ph up down in relations to PPM going up and down? like a sweet noobie faq about it?

ive noticed my PPMs are NOT DROPPING and my ph is sitting pretty solid or going UP SLIGHTLY but not down. also opened to check ppm/ph when i got home and my seedlings res' smelled of algae or something. idk whats up with that either...maybe i shoudl invest in some H2o2. theres been some standing bubbles like theres dish soap in my solution.

can anyone also explain whats all over my clones roots? its like a weird blackish goop? its been there pretty much this whole time and i cant figure out whats up with it. heres pics to help understand.



New Member
I just came across this through a Google search as it's similar to my situation as far as the question - how long to flush after mute burn. This is a couple years on since your post - curious how you grow is working out now if you have continued? Your last pics though show some very high temp issues where bacteria has bloomed, creating root rot. An idea for anyone dealing with high temps in the tank would be to throw a frozen water bottle in every day to keep the temp down as a cheap DIY method if you are on a budget in high temp conditions


Well-Known Member
If you had a sick baby who ate too much would you treat it by starving it? No, flushing in hydro is a horrible concept. Feeding the right amount of food is a great thing. Dump your Rez and mix up a new batch at the correct strength and the correct pH and let them recover by treating them right.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
If you had a sick baby who ate too much would you treat it by starving it? No, flushing in hydro is a horrible concept. Feeding the right amount of food is a great thing. Dump your Rez and mix up a new batch at the correct strength and the correct pH and let them recover by treating them right.
You starve a dog with the shits, then start them back on chicken and rice.
Flushing a DWC with un pH'd RO for 48 hours, then back on 2/3 nutes until numbers show feeding again. You don't feed a poisoned organism more until after detox.


Well-Known Member
Detox? Food is not poison. That’s all I have to say on it because some people will never get it.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
Detox? Food is not poison. That’s all I have to say on it because some people will never get it.
An overdose of anything is toxic.... Fertilizers are SALTS! Open a book someday. BRO-SCIENCE KILLS!


Well-Known Member
Bro-science? Open a book? Like I said, starving a plant is a stupid idea, but some idiots do it. Do as you will