I appreciate the looking out and the corrections.She's in coco not soil.
Sorry this was misguided advise. @dizzydaizy
I'm sure he missed the coco part.
I appreciate the looking out and the corrections.She's in coco not soil.
Sorry this was misguided advise. @dizzydaizy
I'm sure he missed the coco part.
She's in coco not soil.
Sorry this was misguided advise. @dizzydaizy
I'm sure he missed the coco part.
to be fair , if you go to the doctors office their gunna take your vitals, that's why people get mad with little information, we need the vitalsWe are kinda hard on newbies lmao.
I get it
Thank for this info-seriously!
looks like P tox , coco pushes out P in exchange for calcium perhaps you need to increase calmag ppm to get in balance
If there was a strong arm emoji reaction thing I would give it 2 uAn unbuffered coco coir will cause nutrient lock out of calcium and magnesium because the coco substrates have a stronger attraction to these 2 salts compared to potassium and sodium. As a result, sodium and potassium will be displaced into the solution and uptaken into the roots.
increasing the calcium ppm in the coco should have a positive effect on the plants, you need to keep a balance in the Coco, each brand is different and may require less or more calcium to achieve equilibrium. even a flush of low feed should have calmag to maintain the equilibrium . its possible the excess is from the coco and not from the feed. best to try both remedies, either way you gotta keep the coco buffered. flushing out more calcium may add additional problems, here's a link
Why & How to Use CalMag in Coco - Cal Mag Deficiency - Coco For Cannabis
Learn why you need additional Cal/Mag when growing in coco coir. Covers the role of cation exchange & offers simple instructions to avoid Cal/Mag problemswww.cocoforcannabis.com