What to do? Small grow area


Active Member
its a tad muddy, but seems to have good drainage, as soon as it starts to dry out its not muddy at all, just right when watered decently. watered 'er decently just now, so we'll see how she goes in the next couple days...in a week i hope to atleast see a stem with those first two leaves, good expectation?


Active Member
id be massivly suprised if my clones work, there just a bonus right now (if this seed works and is female. Taken off a dying re-veg plant, short stems - small leaves. atleast got an inch - inch n a half of the stem in the dirt..who knows


Active Member
do you know how to proxy and still be able to access and post things? decided i need more stealth, less pictures /evidence..atleast till i get my grow license which im guessing will be a year - year n a half...dr. app n oct get smoking card 6-8 weeks from that, go to a dispensary n get referred to grow licensing doctors..nother 6-8 weeks. prayin, cause i need my medicine and pot is way too expensive...let alone the fun of the hobby :P


Well-Known Member
i use proxies, i'm not in a mmj state, proxies are a good idea
just google for proxies, not all work well, so be patient and you'll find some that work for free
posting pics is usually more trouble, some proxies don't work


Active Member
everyone i try i cant even post a reply..im in a pot hotspot though so probably not that big a deal... Problem has arised though...

Upon further review/watering this soil is getting clumped up pretty good, obviously not a good thing (though the seedling are starting to look great :)
What can i do to make it more aerogated or whatever the word is lol. i realize at this point i probably can't do too much..wait till transplant, but was wondering cheap, ghetto ways to help it. Sand? who knows..not I. Reveg is starting to look a bit better, looks like their might be some new growth but i really havent paid much attention to it to be honest. Hopin atleast 1 clone survives so i have a definite female - 2 seedlings right now


Well-Known Member
breaking up a clumpy/sticky soil is often work for perlite, it's not expensive, but price is always relative
supposedly rice hulls work well, haven't tried those, maybe in the future
sand might help, but sometimes it can make things worse, forming a 'concrete' with the soil, some experimentation is a good idea


Well-Known Member
a bag of perlite goes a long way, i use about 10% perlite in my soil mix
you should be able to find some for $5 or so for a small bag
rice hulls can found at places that sell beer brewing supplies, which are pretty common these days


Active Member
ill try to get some pearlite..homehardware have it ya think? seedlings are looking pretty nice this morning :) ..1 clone looks like its a lost cause..the outdoor clone has been lookin pretty good though as well as the reveg


Well-Known Member
it's common stuff, just look for the cheapest deal you can find. and clones can look like crap yet make it, don't toss it until its dead


Active Member
yee, its not takin up any space and doesn't take much of my time at all, so mine as well just let er go. How hard is it to transplant an outdoor plant? (not in a pot) I put my reveg right into the native soil..realize that i can't keep it there though due to people/traffic...want to atleast let it get going healthy n stuff first. today is 2 weeks..looks like its starting to grow. only one leaf is yellow..so that from the white leaves i had earlier..ill take that as a good sign. still though. can't keep it there and i was hoping that if it does keep growing that i could keep as a mother plant perhaps (other wise pretty useless, pretty sure with how much i screwed it the first grow that itll really produce much anyway


Well-Known Member
transplanting should be straight forward, there's always some shock from transplanting, but if the soil you're transplanting to is good, they'll take right off


Active Member
it seems like the seedlings are doing pretty good in this soil and i know its nutrient rich, only problem is the clumping. Thinking of having a native soil/ 6-9-6 soil from Canadian tire/perlite/maybe sand.. how does that sound?


Well-Known Member
soil sounds good, best check what it's made from, i'd say perlite is better than sand, sand may not loosen things up


Active Member
deffinitely using perlite..was just saying might use sand as well. what are good things and what are some bad things soil can be made of.
I love how they have 50 different kinds of lawn fertilizer, but pretty much 1 kind of soil


Well-Known Member
i doubt there are too many ingredients in soils that are 'bad', it's more about the ratios of things
it will be tough to look at soil ingredients and decide that's good or bad
1 thing to avoid is time release crap, Miracle Grow soils are well known for it, it will say feeds for 5 months, or something like that
best thing is to search for the soil name on the grow sites, with luck someone has trail blazed for you
1 warning on the perlite, and that's security, the stuff does show up as a white patch, it tends to float to the top of the soil after watering


Active Member
i plan on putting rocks on the top of my outdoor grows--keep away some critters and let the water evenly flow, unless thats a bad idea. What kind of ratios am i lookin for. I know your not talkin about nutrients, but is 6-9-6 a good ratio for soil? Im not that worried about security, deffinetly am to a point though, but with how much im growing imma make sure im under the mandatory minimum limit. where i live 6 plants now equals 12 months in jail..anything under that usually get ripped n fined. Its strictly Personals not gonna put tons of work into growing just to give it away and have to buy different weed..but ya never know how they'll see it. i plan on 1 in my room and 4 in 2 random locations. Hopefully get a minimum of 5 ounces. last me a couple months :).


Well-Known Member
i use rocks myself to cover, pebbles actually, they do help with the perlite floating
a 6-9-6 ratio sounds OK, the numbers should be something like 0.006-0.009-0.006, or something like that, same idea, just that soil is much less hot than straight fertlizer which would have nute numbers like 6-9-6
composted cow manure is typically a good ingredient for mj soil, peat moss is good
too much peat moss may not be so good, soil gets a little too acidic
i use MG Organic garden soil, that's a mix of poultry compost and wood product compost, it works well but the wood product compost is quite acidic, some dolomite mixed in helps reduce acidity, and adds other good minerals
MG Organic garden doesn't have the time release crap, MG has many soils, it can make for a very confusing situation