What to do to control super lemon Haze height one week into Flower?

I tried fimming thinking i would get a result similar to my last grow in which I used uncle bens topping technique. However the plant continued to get taller and taller. I am about 7 to 8 inches away from my 150 watt HPS and I'm a week into flowering. The strain is Super Lemon Haze. What do I do? Is their a topping technique that is effective during flowering? Is there anything I can do to avoid having to move the plant? Let me know my cannabis comrads?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
if i were you, i would either get a string, tie it loosely around toward the top of the plant and get a safety pin and attact it to the wall or somewhere to bend the plant away from the light, every day bend it a little more and a little more but make sure you dont hurt it. if its flowering then you DONT want to supercrop it or top it because it will stress out your plant too much! it will effect your yield greatly, i say just bending it would create a stress free way of lowering your plant as well as giving light to the lower more central braches. hope that helps dude.


Active Member
LST did amazing things for my super silver haze plants and they are only about 12" tall vertically from the top of the pot to the top of the plant.