What to do when a dispensary doesn't pay or return medicine?


Well-Known Member
yeah if you follow what nukebisket said, you might get a gun shoved in your face. most dispensaries are packing. get a bottle of 151, stuff a rag in the top, soak it, light it, and toss it through their front window. and dont get caught.

If they did shove a gun in your face that will be the end of that dispensary and you will have a nice lawsuit against them. You can't go wrong following my advice. it's a win win no matter what happens. Let us know if your friend grows some balls and gets his stuff back


Well-Known Member
its a business situation, if you gave notice you want your herb back and they gave you a 14 day time to be reimbursed? I hope you was smart enough to get that in writing. You did get a receipt of product left for consignment? YOU too are a business now.. you must start acting like it.. if you do not have the proper paperwork to prove you gave them anything, you got nothing. If you do have proper paperwork, go back after the 2 weeks, talk to them like adults and if they don't come though? threaten small claims, IN WRITING, ( have a letter of intent ready when you go back after 14 days and if they just hand you the money, or herb back, trash it but have it in case). after 30 days i would file a small claims with your court.


Well-Known Member
I take the 295 views and two half hearted responses that I've gotten on this topic go to show that people are interested in what one may have to say regarding this, but don't know what the hell to do once in the situation.
Dude? Are you high or something? Coming to a stoner forum asking for advice on a legal matter?

All you're gonna receive are stoner responses.


Active Member
Be patient but persistant and call them every day. Try and be respectful when you call. Throwing bricks, kidnapping, guns, ect is just moron talk. Derp derp derp. Fucking retards.