What to do when it rains?

Lol what to do ? Myself I would say let the rain do the work for you because those little things that look like crystals in the dirt are polymer crystals and they make life that much simpler hahaha
Second That ! I Pray For Rain Every Season and sometimes I'm lucky enough to have my prayers answered and I barely have to water my plants at all and that's the way I like it
Either do I :)
I almost went with polymer crystals a few years back til I realized that the substrate I use does the same exact thing without having to add them. I hardly ever have to water ;)
I mean if your really worried you could move them inside. But mine went thru a pretty bad storm this morning (baby knocked on her side) and she’s fine. Shook off the excess water. Made sure she was draining properly and let her be. Plants were made to go thru stuff like that. It makes them resilient
Literally fuck everyone in here that said not to protect small plants.

I just started my first grow ever about a week ago. I germinated, then planted my seeds. About two days later, the forecast began calling for lots of thunderstorms, so I began researching what I should do. After reading lots of forums like this that said,

"Oh lookie here, mah seedlings survived hail! U're a dumb shit cause nature haz been doin this shit forevur!"

I came to the conclusion that sure, heavy rain could hurt my little seedlings, but exposing them to mild rain would just be nature's low stress training. I kept a careful eye on the radar, ready to protect them if anything serious came along.

After the week passed (very mild rain off and on), you want to know what happened?

Out of my 8 plants:

3 were doing fine.
1 was buried in the dirt.
2 simply vanished.
2 had the leaves literally pounded off of them (nothing but stems remained beaten to the ground)

To anyone dumb enough to take these retards' advice, if you truly care about you're seedlings, protect them. Natural selection is a bitch and will do anything to ensure that only the strong will survive. Any that aren't near perfect will die without your help.

By the way, I bought from a seedbank, so I might as well have just wiped my ass with $35.
Fuck everybody, first grow, retards...
Well, I know I'll be here to help you, should you need it of course...
Whether smaller plant survive rain depends on the drainage of the grow hole. Standing water will cause root rot and kill a plant.
Whether smaller plant survive rain depends on the drainage of the grow hole. Standing water will cause root rot and kill a plant.
I bet those polymer things would go a long way to keep water from standing, but they'll get saturated eventually...
I've never gone guerilla, but I'd probably put her on a slight hill or dig a French drain.
Literally fuck everyone in here that said not to protect small plants.

I just started my first grow ever about a week ago. I germinated, then planted my seeds. About two days later, the forecast began calling for lots of thunderstorms, so I began researching what I should do. After reading lots of forums like this that said,

"Oh lookie here, mah seedlings survived hail! U're a dumb shit cause nature haz been doin this shit forevur!"

I came to the conclusion that sure, heavy rain could hurt my little seedlings, but exposing them to mild rain would just be nature's low stress training. I kept a careful eye on the radar, ready to protect them if anything serious came along.

After the week passed (very mild rain off and on), you want to know what happened?

Out of my 8 plants:

3 were doing fine.
1 was buried in the dirt.
2 simply vanished.
2 had the leaves literally pounded off of them (nothing but stems remained beaten to the ground)

To anyone dumb enough to take these retards' advice, if you truly care about you're seedlings, protect them. Natural selection is a bitch and will do anything to ensure that only the strong will survive. Any that aren't near perfect will die without your help.

By the way, I bought from a seedbank, so I might as well have just wiped my ass with $35.
lmao. im sorry about that lmao :lol: