what to do while high? suggestions?


badminton is the stupidest fuckin thing, great idea man, it oughta be hilarious
oh okay i though snowskate was just another term for snowboard (u gotta see the similarity between the names)


Elite Rolling Society
I love to sit on the sofa, have smoked one that I grew by myself, and have a 2nd one that I light, hit and let it go out, hitting it again, every 15 minutes, while I have the laptop in my lap, on RIU, and watch the Simpsons, or Hank Hill, while drinking a few bottled Miller Lites that are extra extra cold.
That is heaven to me.

Sr. Verde

I REALLY dig the idea of at night team sports using glowsticks... That sounds fucking awesome

I dont really like the frisbee idea though... It seems like wed fuck it up or throw it over a fence


my friends and i all act retarded while high so anything that could be harmful is a bad idea, and i consider frisbees possibly harmful (especially while high)


Well-Known Member
I'll usually Cruise around in my 1966 VW Van playing music and blazing and/or go to the Skate park and watch n talk while my friends smoke all my weed (lol) and I like to watch Star Trek alone and smoke n think about space n shit...

This thread reminds me that I need to mix it up a bit because it's a well known fact changing your routine/seenery is importint to getting the best highs out of your weed.

So .....To be continued


Elite Rolling Society
I like to go down to the school playground, hide in the bushes and watch the little kids run and scream.

I guess they don't know I am shooting blanks! LOL

Purp Farmer

Active Member
Step 1. find a wooded area
Step 2. bring a friend
Step 3. get high with friend
Step 4. woods battle!

For some reason everytime me and my friend went to check on my grow we would get high and then somehow start woods battling, might sound stupid but i had a rather good time.