What to do with 2 ounces of roaches ?

If i had as much fresh weed as you say you have i wouldnt even have a roach in my ashtray dude! Why you would want to mess with that i don't know, but if you dont come up with anything i'll take them of your hands lol!
BHO is the item for roaches, it will just attach to the THC and will most likely give you the cleanest return.
Hell BHO will works with moldy crap, I'd expect better results with roaches.
Do a water wash( soak roaches, change murky water till it stays clear) dump water, dry out the now "less stinky roaches. Now smoke as is or do a butane/ISO oil run. The water wash will remove the awful smell & taste.
Oil will be strong.
I know this is an old thread but...

We break them out to make 2nd generation roach bones, save them roaches till we have enough to make a 3rd gen and so on..

We are currently up to a puke viable 6th generation.

I will add that aside of the horrible taste,I have never been as high. Dabs, edibles or the dankest nugs have no comparison...