what to do with a hermie


Well-Known Member
stress didnt cause it to be a hermie. feminized seeds are sometime hermies, happens through the process of feminizing em. as for it being schwagg, when i say that, i mean it wont be anything like what the other ones will be. i cant believe ur keeping em lol


Active Member
no but ill put some up.

yea do that im interested to see how there looking...... damn dude sorry that happned to all of them. that one guys is right i mean transplanting it shouldnt be that stressfull unless you really F up. Is there any fucking light that was getting to them when they were suppose to be getting there rest?????


Well-Known Member
I say cut off the balls and grow em out shit happens man some times fem seeds just have a male chromosome xxy y know if they don
t have many balls it not that big of a deal as long as you cut them off before they open that really the point at which you lose your potency and yield.


Well-Known Member
your gonna annoy yourself with cutting balls, making sure no more are there, and just the worrry of what if it you dont get to them in time. i did this shit once bc i had 4 plants and 2 hermied, within about 3 weeks of discovering the first 2 hermies, all 4 of my plants were herm dogs. i will never do that shit again. you should chop em and make yourself some deserts with em. that will also give you more room for the true ladies. i cant believe so many ppl are telling you to keep those trannies! personally i prefer dank, and around here anything with seeds is considered bammer weed lol


Active Member
dude i have the exact same problem. i have like 10 plants. all fem. then one somehow got three balls on it like at the bottom. the rest of the plant is fem. i was pissed. but i got a razor blade. removed the plant. cut the balls off. then took plastic and wrapped it around that area, then put her back. so even if they do break open. they arent going anywhere. im just hoping its seedless buds. expirement and play around with them while your grow is small. so when or if it gets big, you will know what to do. good luck. i hope youe girls come out funky.


Well-Known Member
well honestly if this is all he has he should just go with his bad luck, but if hes got more that are pure fem he should clone them and go with that. but it sounds like hes just got these freaky cock and ball bitches so why not get some smoke you digg?


Well-Known Member
ThAnks dude well it didn't herm that bad lol is it possible to have mostly female and still not have seeds in the weed?