What to do with Moldy Buds??


I have two outdoor plants that literally went to shit.

First, They got eaten and shit on by caterpillars.
Then the rain came and got them too wet.

..One night I got drunk and sprayed them with Organicide (Cod liver oil)

I forgot you're not supposed to spray the buds with that stuff, especially with all the dew in the mornings of late.

Well I'm pretty sure the bud rot came from a mix of the Caterpillar shit, Overwater from rain, and that Organicide spray I hit them with 2 weeks ago.

The question is what do I do with all this FUNKY smelling bud?? Some of it looks OK, but most of it smells like shit and looks like shit.

Can I make bud butter or hash with it? (The OK parts)

I tossed the stuff that was brown and really, obviously rotten.

The Dark stuff is Grape Ape, The light stuff is Green Crack.
The Grapes weren't sprayed or overwatered as bad, They were devoured and seriously shat on by the worms though... I've tried smoking some better looking buds of that strain, gave my a killer headache to the point where I had to lay down and sleep it off. I cant pass this on to anyone. It's ambarassing.. WTF do I do with it??

By the way, the only inner buds that are really nasty is where the caterpillars obviously feasted, It's not rotting from the inside out, looks more like from the outside in.. Maybe from the spray??



Thanks for the link.. This is genius.. (for Powdery Mildew)

Will this Salvage buds that fave fallen to Bud Rot though?(Not the nasty brown stuff, but the semi OK stuff)
Mine is obviously not a surface mildew growth like PM, it's in the plant material.


So I tried the H2O2 thing. They are getting pretty dry with the fan so I'm just air drying them now. They still smell pretty funky. Should I use this to make butter/hash? Or will the spores still be present after?


Well-Known Member
Don't know for sure, but I've read on other posts that mold does not affect THC so maybe it's okay for hash.