What to do with the rest?

Load that shit in a bong and then say "Fire in the hole!"

You know what to do next.

I agree with this guy... You said you got it for 420? You should have smoke the whole thing that day!! lol Atleast thats what i would have done.
Make it the fattest bowl ever and get as HIGH AS A DAD!!!

What the hell does that mean???

Lol So i take it your not a dad? Well me niether but its supposed to be one of the "GREATEST FEELINGS" in the world when you see your child being born! So great that theres no other feeling that comes close EXCEPT getting HIGH AS FUCK!!! hahaha
i just smoked 2 grams while reading through this post, better hit the whiskey now that i have heard everything
I still say he should let ME hold it.

His leftover weed......get yer mind out of the gutter,lol!