What To Listen To When Getting High?}


i listen to just about anything frm lil wayne, the beatles, or asher roth.. wen im comin down i looove listenin to lil wayne's 'i feel like dying' (kinda corny buh w.e.)


Well-Known Member
I listen to jefferson airplane-white rabbit,pink floyd comfortalby numb. and some kid cudi


Active Member
I Listen to my new album "Make way 4 the Dead Man"Witch will be availible 4 you to download later this month it's the sh-t dude iaint playing most of the songs are being featured in a shade picture film thats Called Border Lords II check out the Traylor on youtube or facebook or myspace the movie should be out by christmas

Peace Macc


Well-Known Member
sometimes if i'm too stoned to choose i like slacker radio... slacker.com

just type in a good song, and it makes a playlist... or radio station for you... similar to pandora...

good shiz...

Mr. Good

Active Member
I like Bone thugs N Harmoney the entire Crossroads album from what....1993?...good shit.

You know how we do it- Ice Cube
Hits from the Bong & I wanna get high- Cypress Hill
Excursions-Tribe Called Quest

I also love Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petty for sure.


Well-Known Member
Anything from the Canadian punk/thrash band 'Propagandhi'


DUB SIDE OF THE MOON - Easy Dub All Stars

Its a reggae version of 'Darkside of the moon - Pink Floyd'

Pretty sweet to rip a sesh' to! loll


Well-Known Member
i listen to bradley knowles and the rest of sublime- i know he od'd like 15 years ago but his music sounds better then anything new


Well-Known Member
It really depends on my mood i like rap(snoop&dre) also i like the specials:mrgreen: but my best when gettin high would be Cyprus Hill I Wanna Get High :joint:

Holy Roller

Strangely enough I do enjoy listening to Kanye West when getting baked, especially the Graduation CD. It's got a great beat, only about 2 songs on the whole CD I don't like... and usually I don't listen to Rap/anything like it.