I live in AZ its hot as hell what should I put in my soil before planting my geminateing seeds? Would a anchovie be good for it? or fish and coffee ground is good for n right? but what should i throwing to help my plant growth?
I believe he means dolomite lime.i just squeez a lime directly on soil?
I just imagined a hobo with a pot screaming "It's all i have!!!!!11oneone"its all i have its in a pot just really old and dryed the fuck out!
I was thinking the same thing. lol He can't even spell NUTRIENTS.what are you, 10?
You should fill your pot with soil, add a teaspoon of windex, pine sol is good too, really breaks the soil in. You can also use a garbage bag as a pot. Or even a trash can. One time I grew a straight "jack n the beanstalk" beast of a plant. ..... my secret ingredient was armpit sweat I collected after cleaning the kitchen.
You can drop a turd in the pot with it too. That helps depending on what you ate earlier that day.