What to say when someone wants to know why i want seeds.


New Member
Im getting people to hook me up one of these people does not care the other is inquisitive about it.

i think ima tell him yeah and then in a week or 2 be like nah i decided i didnt want to have all that going on.

sound good or what else should i say?


Well-Known Member
Say you want to see what they taste like, you heard you can make porridge out of them and it tastes really good.


Well-Known Member
NoDrama... my avatar is for you...!!!:lol::razz:

And to the original poster... SAY NOTHING TO NO ONE... get your own supplies.. and TELL NO ONE...

#1 - The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.
#2 - The second rule of Fight Club is, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club."

I mean you do not talk about growing... at all....

Good Luck... :razz:




Well-Known Member
Just tell him that you like to eat them because it helps with your immune system. And if hes dumb enough tell him that you eat them because it gives you a small buzz. LOL.


Active Member
Marijuana seeds are one of the most complete proteins available and far better than soy beans. Tell him you want to try roasting some to see if you like the taste.