What to seal BHO extractor besides coffee filter/cheesecloth?


Active Member

I have been searching for an alternative to using a coffee filter or some kind of cloth to seal a glass BHO extractor. In my experience, a good bit of oil gets absorbed into the cloth and you cannot recover it. On large extractions I can see how the loss would not be something to worry about, however, when you're only using 3-4 grams of material, that could end up being close to 1/4 of you're total yield. I read people using a stainless steel mesh screen. Any other idea's?
Stainless filters are great, used to use one on my old glass/ss tubes and had good results in conjunction with a hose clamp. You don't really want to create too much back pressure as you can also cause a blowout, and if you're worried about small margins of loss, this would absolutely devastate you.
You can use all kinds of stuff instead of filters. Silicone, silkscreen, stainless mesh. You can also cut the paper smaller so less can collect.
I might also add that if you're doing 3-4 gram runs and worried about your yield that much you would be far better off doing a quick 99% isopropyl or ethanol wash. Done properly the quality is very close to well-made BHO.
If your worried about the residuals in a couple of filters that much... save them until you have a ziplock bag full.. and dissolve in 190 proof everclear to make
winterized. I've done this before. But now that I'm doing much larger runs.. i see no point. On open loop i double up 2 unbleached coffee filters.
Fuck all these recommended tips suck ass. Ethanol at 190 proof is so wasteful of worthy solvent to do your reclaiming. 1 gallon of 200 proof costs $109. A gallon of acetone is $18 and is not going to leave a taste of ever using it, whilst being more thorough than the highly selective ethanol. No way would I ever use ethanol in a food grade form to reclaim any oil that's been separated from plant matter, as the hard work has been done.
Fuck all these recommended tips suck ass. Ethanol at 190 proof is so wasteful of worthy solvent to do your reclaiming. 1 gallon of 200 proof costs $109. A gallon of acetone is $18 and is not going to leave a taste of ever using it, whilst being more thorough than the highly selective ethanol. No way would I ever use ethanol in a food grade form to reclaim any oil that's been separated from plant matter, as the hard work has been done.
Acetone is so dangerous dude, most people on here don't have the knowlege to work with it safely, compared to etoh or iso

What your saying is very dangerous, and your methods are very uncoventional.
Fuck all these recommended tips suck ass. Ethanol at 190 proof is so wasteful of worthy solvent to do your reclaiming. 1 gallon of 200 proof costs $109. A gallon of acetone is $18 and is not going to leave a taste of ever using it, whilst being more thorough than the highly selective ethanol. No way would I ever use ethanol in a food grade form to reclaim any oil that's been separated from plant matter, as the hard work has been done.

I have to say dude... out of every extraction artist on here... I just don't like what you have to post. If its too expensive for you then stop making concentrates.
With an attitude like that your going to end up cutting corner.. and in fact.. I know you cut corners..I have yet to see one decent pic of your concentrates
let alone these outstanding machines you keep talking up in other threads... get real or get out..stop giving bad information someone is going to get hurt.
ya .. trim them above clamp.. and store until you have a bunch. I have a 1 gallon bag filled to the fucking brim .. the thing barely closes.. last time I did this.. I got 10 grams.. of edible worthy oil.. its even dab worthy.. if u do the extraction quick after u take them off the tubes.. but its not worth the time and effort to get .2 .. but wen u have 50-100 filters.. u can get a nice little yield.. and the oil can be used to help people..
what i did was fill a mason jar about 1/3 the way up. and dissolve the used filters after cutting them up, about 3 or 4 as a time shaking in the warmed jar. Added up to about 13gs of yellow clear winterized oil.. I'll post a picture if I can find it. It was a while ago..
Alright so pretty straight forward. Thank you all for the information - except the acetone, I can obviously not agree with that (Getting very complex very quickly).
In my experience, after doing a run, the filter I used would be drenched in oil, or so it would appear. Maybe there is less than I imagine - either way I can see if you had 100 of them that would be a decent amount of reclaim.

Again thank you all for your inputs.
There has been reports of people blowing up freezers with butane already. I know at least on the mastercool tanks its to be avoided as the sealing ring in closeoffs for tanks can contract leaving a slight leak and most freezers arent sparkless in design. I imagine something similar could come from a can?