What type of def does this look like?


Active Member
Hi all, started growin 3 paradise white berry, 3 arjans strawberry haze and 1 DNA sharksbreath (free seed) about a month ago. within 3 weeks 2 of the strawberry haze and the sharksbreath started gettin yellowish dots. thought it might be zinc def but unsure. checked the plant problems pages but dosent really look like any of them. Anyone got any ideas ? Oh yea, growin under 1 600w HPS, feeding 1ml bio-grow in west + soil. Thanks in advance guys.



Active Member
I would hold out for confirmation from an experienced soil grower, but I'm thinking either nitrogen or magnesium. They don't look too bad, but I know how these things can get out of hand.


Active Member
yea, never used bio-grow before so might not be giving enough but from what i've read 1ml seems to be the standard amount.


Well-Known Member
That's not a nitrogen deficiency. Click here to see a nitrogen deficiency.

What you have looks like a zinc or manganese deficiency. Click on the following to see pictures: Zinc Def Pic 1, Zinc Def Pic 2, Manganese Deficiency Infographic.

Flush your system with clean water (pH'ed to 6.5) that contains about half the nutrients needed for the plant (including zinc, iron, and manganese). Watch to make sure that the problem starts to clear up on new growth within a couple of days and you should be fine.


Active Member
Ok thanks both you guys. will try flushing. Any advice on what to use to flush? I know epsom salts for magnesium.


Well-Known Member
That's not a nitrogen deficiency. Click here to see a nitrogen deficiency.

What you have looks like a zinc or manganese deficiency. Click on the following to see pictures: Zinc Def Pic 1, Zinc Def Pic 2, Manganese Deficiency Infographic.

Flush your system with clean water (pH'ed to 6.5) that contains about half the nutrients needed for the plant (including zinc, iron, and manganese). Watch to make sure that the problem starts to clear up on new growth within a couple of days and you should be fine.

It's amazing how many people always say this problem is a N deficiency. congrats on an actually good answer. +REP
i agree with growweedtoday. i always foliar feed with epsom salts for a few day in a row and see results fast. good luck!