What type of grow from 400HPS


Well-Known Member
Im preparing to start another grow. This time im upgrading from 150HPS to a 400HPS and i want to grow lowriders. What type of hydro grow should I do to grow as many of these little bastards in the smallest space as possible?


Active Member
DWC or bubblers are very space efficent as you can fit quite a few tubs of water in a closet or room. Depending on the size you buy. I use five gallon paint buckets and can fit about 4 plants in a square foot with some bending and training of the plants.


Well-Known Member
I think you get the best out of a 400w light with a SOG

Flowering a high number of clones with very little veg time.

The 400 watter does not have penetration like a 600 or a 1000

So its better suited to these shorter plants.


Well-Known Member
I want a short but fast grow. Thats why ive chosen the lowrider 2 plant. I was thinking about using a rubber tub and poping 6 plants in a tub.


Well-Known Member
i have 10 plants preflowering under a 400 in a 4x4 consealed closet temps are always below 80. They are in soil but i had done a grow with 2 10 gallon tub dwc before with six plants in each. They seem to do well.


Well-Known Member
Hey Greenearth. Just recently finished my own lr2's in hydro. couple things that may influence your decision:

1) wheter or not you have fem'd lr2 seeds... if you have regular seeds, you'll want 1 hydro tub per plant. if you use a shared rez with these, the roots will entangle (more quickly than you would think) and you will damage the female plants that you want to keep. :cry:

with fem'd seeds. Go ahead and use a big rubbermaid bin and let'm share that rez. just start them at the same time so you don't run into ppm issues (these babies are VERY easy to nute burn so you need them all the same age, needing the same stuff at the same time).

2) what lr2's lack in height, the more than make up for in horizontal growth. They'll try and bush out on ya. If crunching them in together tightly, you'll need to lollipop them. Or you could consider a smaller version of scrog with less plant as well.

3) type of hydro grow should be dependent on various factors such as $, space, and effort you're willing to put in. I did mine with a ghetto-style dwc-bubbler. Whole thing cost me under 50 easily. Just need to change the rez and clean it up every other week. I will put out this disclaimer...when in doubt, oversize your rez! Of my last grow, only 1 of my female lr2's ended up being worthy of growing out. She had her own 3 gallon rez. Towards the end (like the last 4 weeks), she would drink a full gallon of water a day. With 6 plants in there, just be prepared.

On a side note, if you're looking for a quick, fast grow, you should consider a non-autoflowering grow that starts from clone (SOG, perpetual harvest). When you start those 12/12 from clone, they finish in 8-9weeks...the same as the lr2 will do from seed.

Also, not sure about your seed access but you may want to look at some of the autoflowering hybrids that they have now. Just 2 more weeks difference from lr2 harvest time and they tend to be considerably stronger smoke-wise (no offense to lr2's, mine kinda kicks my ass:grin:)

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about doing the lr2 temporarily until i can get a good mother grown. Maybe 2 grows of lr2 before i put some clones in the tray. I went to a hydro store today and seen a DWC tray. This tray was 1ft deep x 2ft wide x 4ft long. On top the tray was a lid that holes cut in it so small net pots could fit inside the holes. Also, it had 15 heads of lettuce growing in it and looked perfect for what im wanting to do. I could start a mother ASAP and grow her nice and big until half way into my second LR2 grow and then I could clone her and pop the clones in the tray instead. How much would I yield every harvest if I did it this way with 15 little LR2 plants of 15 clones?