what type of jobs have my fellow stoners got?

Now that's pretty bold, yet there are a number of herb-friendly law-enforcement employees in the US.

Let's hope you are among them.
Imagined if I really was a Police Officer & felt uncomfortable. I work at cinema its a good job, sometimes we play video games on a big screen.. trust me thats awesome and definitely better than being cop :mrgreen:
I've been a painter, brick layer, insulation installer, janitor, polysilicon quality inspector, cemetery groundskeeper (did burials too), dishwasher, floor stripper/waxer, semi-professional musician, and more.
Atomic fusion physicist attempting to fuse Cannabis with Beer. We came up with a cannabis expert that was always pissed then released him on RIU!
Went back to school after trying a LOT of different things with the first half of my 20's... Now I'm a full time student, do some remodeling projects on the side, my real passion is making mobile video games with a game engine called Unity 3d, making 3d models with blender or 3ds max, and it's hella fun/empowering.

My favorite thing was dismantling 100 year old barns for the lumber (wormy chestnut, cherry, walnut, etc), taking it down piece by piece and just discovering tons of cool shit. Most money I made was getting a general contractors license and with 8 illegal mexicans doing drywall for a developer. I actually like drywall, smoke a bowl and groove with the mud, it's relaxing.

I used to buy logs/burls from amish guys and mill them myself with a friend who had a woodmizer, I got this oak burl for $30 1314068132_5ab54bb622.jpg

This was my first barn taken down and it took me hours to load it on the flatbed with a bobcat I rented, I got the semi on Uship for $4300 to take it from eastern OH to the west coast 1313194007_b032a4c317.jpg542638991_3dc0637881.jpg<--Im standing in the top at the ridge of the roof. Dismantled it with a sawzall.

Wormy chestnut siding on a barn I bought and dismantled. 1313194995_ee073a1000.jpg It's worth a fucking ton of money since a blight killed off the trees back in 1904.

I've been so lucky in that if I had an idea, I'd do it, random spontaneous shit, but it was always an adventure. I'm too generous and have been burned a lot, but fuck life's short so you just gotta get out there and figure out your real passions.
retired 2 years ago at age 40..(not by choice chronic pain) from 15 years of being a professional certified debt collector with both private and gov positions collecting on traffic fines fees and other crap the gov likes to make up.... same time working there I ran a Wedding-Portrait Photography Business... miss it too

now stay at home dad for 2 years up by 4 am kids to school by 8... 8-3 pm household chores, yard work, tv, playing with the dogs

2 years of it and I am still not 100% ok with not being the one to work in the family..