what u think !!!! im a beginner :}


hey all.
i started off with 2 plants of bubble gum... put them through the veggi stage on all purpose miracle-gro. feeding every 6 days and flushing every 3. went well gud green leaves plant grew to about 4 foot tall. would of liked a thicker stem though. p.s : under cfl bulbs...
when the time came i moved them to my flowering cabnet and started of another batch of 5 critical mass plants .. still going very strong!!!!!
aneway, the 2 bubblegum plants are under a 200w red spectrum eco light...2700k..(i think)!!!:?
im feeding them organic iguana juice bloom and after 2 weeks there looking good.. im at this stage now and im shitting my self incase i fuk everything up and im sooooo close... sory if i made everthing sound simple there but as i said im still learning and willing to learn more... any advice about what i did or what i should do would be hugely appreciated... ( should i be continuing the miracle grow with iguana in flowering stage??? )
thanks ......bongsmilie:weed::clap:liamo
If you want a thicker stem. Then put a fan in there for nice air flow. Because if your buds get big with tiny stalks it could snap your plants stem.


Well-Known Member
screw that crap i would go hydro.... just my 2 cents. i don't have time to do dirt. I would get that book budz for less. good read and step by step


Well-Known Member
sounds good man, a fan blowing directly on the plants would help that stem. dont let people harsh on MG or soil grows, its easier to take care of plants in this medium. how many/what wat cfls are you using?


yeh.. i have a fan blowing in but i have it blowing down on them from the top of the cabnet .. so i should put it at the bottom!!!!
and i using standard household eco lights. 8 of them.. the growth is savage i have to say..