What U Toke Out Of?


Active Member
Just wanted to see all the different bongs and tokers out there and a lil history about there unit!!!


Active Member
niicee man iv never really have used or seen one or no how do they work for that factt! lol i stick with my bong:D:D

this is him Sir King Chong its a three chamber ice cool bong. its sooo easy to toke threw!



Well-Known Member
That looks nice :D

Yeah, I've smoked bongs and pipes but oddly enough I've never owned one. For personal use I went straight from joints to the vape. If you know somebody that has a vape you should try it out. It gives you a nice buzz with very little weed. They heat the weed to a temperature high enough to release the cannabanoids in a vapor form without actually burning the weed. Check it out some time :)


Well-Known Member
Vapes are great. I save the remains and make cannabutter. But I also hit the bong every now and then, and still love to hit jays.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have almost an ounce of vapor poo now for my next batch of cannabutter. I think I'll go with just two ounces of butter this time to make it stronger.