What Was The First Kind Weed You Ever Grew?


Well-Known Member
Acapulco Gold back in my Hippie days in a field near a creek....ran garden hoses toghther pulled a siphon over the hill from the creek and had our irrigation......

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Bagseed. Turned into a monster Sativa that was so potent I could only handle a couple of hits. I miss that monster bitch.


Active Member
did any of you fuck up your 1st dry/cure i fucked up the 1st one i dried got mold all over it


Well-Known Member
never got mold but the taste changed the tester tasted like heaven but the end product after cure tasted like hay i keep me lost for a bit only one jar tho


Well-Known Member
hhahah yea i had my 1st plant when i was around 12 but i dont count it because i tried with a shitty as light and it died

LoL my first attempt was in 7th grade, mexi bag seeds, I can belive it germed.
I faild for many attempts tell I got my old Mel Frank growers guide in Highschool.


Well-Known Member
First time I planted seeds, I dont know which strain it was, I just dumped a handful of seeds in like a 4in. pot and half of them sprouted...lol

Was like 25 seedlings growing out of this tiny pot, I can't remember what happened to them. :lol:

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
My first was bagseed I sprouted in a cup on my window sill. It didn't quite make it to harvest but I still thought it was cool. First live plant I ever saw.