“What we earn must be returned for the greater good of society”

He had a seed supplier. And likely a fertilizer supplier. And a tractor dealer and manufacturer.

Life is simple when you're stupid, huh?
Lemons grow on trees for years and years. Don't need tractors and little to no fertilizer. Reguardless, it costs less to produce a lemon than what it is valued at. The same holds true for the seed, the fertilizer, and the tractor. Life is simple when you think you're smarter than you really are, huh?
Lemons grow on trees for years and years. Don't need tractors and little to no fertilizer. Reguardless, it costs less to produce a lemon than what it is valued at. The same holds true for the seed, the fertilizer, and the tractor. Life is simple when you think you're smarter than you really are, huh?

If only that made sense.


Try staying on topic and stop arguing for the sake of arguing. Also consider knowing what you are talking (writing) about before you say (write) something. Ok twinkle-toes?

Thanks peaches.
If only that made sense.


Try staying on topic and stop arguing for the sake of arguing. Also consider knowing what you are talking (writing) about before you say (write) something. Ok twinkle-toes?

Thanks peaches.
So no one is allowed to point out the fallacy of your statements with facts because that is "off topic", even tho it directly refuted your statement? You sound like a whiny brat.
So no one is allowed to point out the fallacy of your statements with facts because that is "off topic", even tho it directly refuted your statement? You sound like a whiny brat.

No. You're just a fucking moron and don't know any better.

My original statement still holds true. And by you pointing out that some lemon trees grow for "years and years" and "Don't need tractors and little to no fertilizer", means absolutely nothing. As if you were trying to debate the price of apples in India.

You should consider reading the thread again. I know it will be hard for you, with your stupidity and all, but you should give it another try.

I have several lemon trees growing in my back yard, along with a lime tree and an orange tree. So am I now an authority in citrus retail sales? No. I would need an entire grove to do that. If I wish to grow proper citrus wholesale or retail, I would contact a supplier of either the seeds or already grown trees. I would then likely purchase a tractor to till the land or pay someone else to do it. And of course, I'd need irrigation, trees don't just water themselves. Especially not in Arizona.

I know your simple brain can't handle deep thought so I tried to brake it down for you in a very simple concept that you'd understand.

We get it, you're stupid. We aren't faulting you for that.

I made a half-assed analogy, but let me try to make lemonade from this lemon of an analogy. All I've done is increase my wealth not create wealth.

What I've done is increase the value of the lemon, sugar and water on it's own by combining them. I caused an increase need to produce more lemon and sugar cane for the farmers.

What I've created is value and wealth, but no, no extra money. The money supply only increases by Fed input.

Wealth and value are not the same as money, but we'll probably disagree on that too.
Where are you selling this lemonade? Who are your customers? How do you get your lemons, water and sugar?
Most of these idiots don't seem to realise that increasing the money supply is based on banks selling bonds to the central bank and then loaning that money to businesses. Where it filters into the economy is via people's wages/salaries, etc that they receive from the businesses.

(Grossly oversimplified, but remember it is lefties we are talking to)

They think the Govt prints the money for the "deserving", it's hilarious as fuck.
LOL. You are stupid as fuck.
You already came out of the closet a long time ago. Said you have a thing for curly haired Jewish guys like Seth Rogan

you should take my "hitler or trump?" challenge, fatty McFatfat.

No. You're just a fucking moron and don't know any better.

My original statement still holds true. And by you pointing out that some lemon trees grow for "years and years" and "Don't need tractors and little to no fertilizer", means absolutely nothing. As if you were trying to debate the price of apples in India.

You should consider reading the thread again. I know it will be hard for you, with your stupidity and all, but you should give it another try.

I have several lemon trees growing in my back yard, along with a lime tree and an orange tree. So am I now an authority in citrus retail sales? No. I would need an entire grove to do that. If I wish to grow proper citrus wholesale or retail, I would contact a supplier of either the seeds or already grown trees. I would then likely purchase a tractor to till the land or pay someone else to do it. And of course, I'd need irrigation, trees don't just water themselves. Especially not in Arizona.

I know your simple brain can't handle deep thought so I tried to brake it down for you in a very simple concept that you'd understand.

We get it, you're stupid. We aren't faulting you for that.
Stupid would be growing citrus in Arizona or tilling land with trees already there.