What will be the outcome?

Also, when my plant needs light, should I shut the curtains so that the lights show more on the plant or is it getting the same direct light from the bulb? It may sound a little goofy. I can’t see the light when the curtains are open. I can see it more when they’re closed. I’m sure the natural light isn’t taking away from the bulb, right?
Nope just leave it open.
I have a lot of natural light and now a big bright bulb that I’m going to leave on it all day. I’m super new to this. I just wanted to see where it was going to go. Basically, I’m learning through trial and error. I already realize that I’m going to need a much better set up. 8)
Ah, okay. So what if I put the plant on a table?
You've done well for where you're at. With CFLs you need inches away and plenty of them to get through flower and get anything. At this point you need to decide if you want to finish the plant. You need to invest about 300 bucks into a light for it. That's still a compromise but it will work for you for veg and flower.

You obviously have some skills so consider spending the money. There are some good, small LEDs you could get. Heck you could probably get by with a cheap ass 250 Watt HPS and finish decently. But a small investment would pay off for you later if you stayed in it and bought a decent LED.

Anyway up to you, but sure put it on the table for now that's better than not.
Def needs more light. Is the seed known female, or is it unknown?

When it's time to flower, it will need uninterrupted dark period of at least 12 hours, so if it's in the house without a tent to block light, then you'll have to move it in and out of a closet on a set schedule.

If you put it outside, in an area that doesn't get any artificial light, then it will start to flower in a couple weeks...assuming you are in the northern hemisphere. BUT if it's always been inside in indirect light, you'll have to introduce it to the sunlight little by little each day for about 2 weeks. Otherwise, the direct sunlight will fry it.

If you want a better starter light for a decent price and you've got some budget to work with, look at the Best Deals thread where @Marq1340 has been posting some good discount codes for LEDs. Get a 100w or 200w LED for less than $100...assuming you are in USA. You could use that in a 2x2 tent with an exhaust fan to control the situation much better.

If you get a light, you'll have to introduce the high intensity slowly. Otherwise you'll fry the plant.

Good luck! Peace :peace:

Sorry I couldn't help but chuckle. All good we all started somewhere right?
Maybe one day you'll be the dick posting laughing emojis on someone's pics lol
Until then... Get a better light and read up on some basic cannabis growing details. This forum is packed with good (and bad) info. Lol
There's also many books written over the decades that you should have a gander at.
Btw. Anyone feel the desperation in the room?
I mean come on boys... One half face pic and you guys are making yourself look like some teenage fools. For all you know that's some XXL dude sitting on his mom's couch stuffing his face with cheesy poofs

Op. I commend you for trying....kinda. You wouldnt say bake a cake without ever baking it before and not use a recipe right? (That is really not meant to be a sexist comment). You need all the ingredients in the proper ratios to make the best cake.
Don't take this the wrong way but it's almost insulting for someone to not have any idea and just ask people on the internet to do it for them. Just my opinion
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