What words should be banned outright?


New Member
"Officer, I never laid a hand on the B........Officer, no, I didn't say that....no.......no, I never.......NO......all right,.... fine, let's go....HEY!!, MJETTA, CALL MY MOM!!!......"


New Member
Your obviously no misogynist.....damn, I guess I'm not either......hold on......."No, nothing honey, I'll be there in a second..."....damn wife.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Let's put it this way. Let's say I make you a meal.It's a tasty meal. You want it, I want to make it for you.Now let's say my sanitation skills may be lacking a bit, and I somehow give you a tapeworm.When you find out about it, you don't want it in your body.You don't want to wait for the worm to naturally expel itself.But I say...wait...I gave you that tapeworm...shouldnt I have a say in whether or not you kill it?I made the meal for you. You knew this wasn't a four star restaurant and that there is always a risk of food being bad.But you chose to eat, so you should be willing to live with that choice. See the logic?

you selfish pig, are you comparing tapeworms and fetuses? i wish abortion was legal, as much as i disagree with it, so people like you would not have kids(sometimes itts fr the best i suppose)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey fuck you.Don't call me a selfish pig...I never aborted my kids.But I had the right to that choice.You and your ilk just get pissed because you're poster children for birth control.
you selfish pig, are you comparing tapeworms and fetuses? i wish abortion was legal, as much as i disagree with it, so people like you would not have kids(sometimes itts fr the best i suppose)
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Well-Known Member
my point is who gives a fuck what anybody else thinks

your opinions are good enough for yourself:joint:


Active Member
I don't care, mjetta, he's knows fucking nothing and he spouts off like that.How bout all the folks who hate abortion so much worry about the kids who have been born and are unwanted?

i know nothing? im sorry, i was not aware that we have met b4? where do u get off telling me what i no? as for the children who are unwanted, close your fucking legs.