What would 2 computer programs have to say to each other?

I used to do nightly tape backups on HP2116B mainframes


The CPU weighs like 300#- it's all discrete transistors
I was recently watching a video on YouTube and heard about Facebook having an issue a while back with 2 AI programs they had to shut down because they caught them communicating with each other. Hmmmmm

What in the hell would these programs need to be secretly discussing? And I'm sure you have heard about Sophia?? They had her and another earlier AI bot and I will be damned if they didn't show a form of ego!! The male bot was acting cocky!!

Just something the missus and myself stumbled upon! I was talking about it to a friend and when I pulled my phone out my pocket, it had factory reset itself.... I guess it heard me and was erasing my evidence...lol..

OK.... I'm going back to check on my tide pods. . I'mma try a new recipe with some spaghetti!! (At least hope they think I'm that stupid...)

22334455 thats how we do it around here baby. glow glow glow glow glow away now do you know how to write in English i569, you need to shut up its meal time.
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