New Member
ur not.........ha ha ur cool.
ur not.........ha ha ur cool.
I would much rather see capitalism destroy the world than for the world to destroy capitalism.I guess you've been in hiding, I suppose reading all of Ann Rand and Ann Cuntlers novels. It would definently take another world for people to get along well enough to be true socialists. Karl Marx predicted it would take another 200 years. My theory is the capitalistic system will end up destroying the world long before that.
Its easier than that, swim to Cuba.I think that the easiest solution to the wanna be socialists would be for them to move to Russia for a few years. I think they would want to come back and be very happy with capitalism.
Stick around.I would much rather see capitalism destroy the world than for the world to destroy capitalism.
how about Utopia?Another world is possible sounds like a great place. We should all vote on a name for it.
I suggest La-La Land.
Considering it is YOUR theory I don't put any value behind it. The whole problem behind YOUR thought process on developing theories is, you do not know what capitalism means. How can you find an answer when you do not know what the problem is?I guess you've been in hiding, I suppose reading all of Ann Rand and Ann Cuntlers novels. It would definently take another world for people to get along well enough to be true socialists. Karl Marx predicted it would take another 200 years. My theory is the capitalistic system will end up destroying the world long before that.
That's technically Communism... same difference... its Socilaism thats more awesom'er. What Socialists never like to mention is genocide. Russia and China killed a LOT more people than the Nazi's.eastern european and russia in the 45 to 90 well 1919 to 1990 my gram and her mom and dad left russian for usa I was bad every where poor bread lines soup lines line it not cool socialism is just bad man bad
All the socialist programs that I am sure you love are funded by the excess of capitalism. If you bleed the capitalist to much, you kill the host. It's not that hard to understand if you can get over the hate for anyone that is driven to do better.Why does a dissertation on socialism bring out so much vitriol? Are you capitalists afraid of losing Your capital created wealth? You know the capitalists would never let this happen, they would demonize the socialists and put a bounty on them. Just like this thread has exposed, capitalists are pigs and bullies. They are just like dogs, if they can't eat it or fuck it, they piss all over it
I just reread the whole thread and the only vitriol & name calling I saw came from 1 member,who decided that because someone spoke poorly of the swiss,that person was a hatemonger.Why does a dissertation on socialism bring out so much vitriol? Are you capitalists afraid of losing Your capital created wealth? You know the capitalists would never let this happen, they would demonize the socialists and put a bounty on them. Just like this thread has exposed, capitalists are pigs and bullies. They are just like dogs, if they can't eat it or fuck it, they piss all over it
so this is about a hatred of swedes.
sweden is the shit, quit hating on everyone's imput and take a deep intraspective look at your own bitterness toward change...
guess that is typical of the left,when someone disagrees w/ you,instead of proving your theroy,you just brand them a racist,then call them more names.btw, isnt calling someone a "cracker fag" a racist comment??hate mongerer. that thread was doomed, and that cracker fag is a douche and started the whole thing. and i thought you were cool.![]()
though i don't see what vitriol you're complaining about, i would hardly blame the proponents of capitalism for their ire. the history of mankind is filled with societies where the governing authority dictated the economic destiny of its people, just the sort of system you advocate, and the idea of returning to the sort of tyranny that has always led to should make us all angry. that we should abandon the enlightenment that has led to the concept of self-determination is a slap in the face for those who are capable of acting ethically within our current system. those who propose that we should return to a slavery to the state, citing the worst examples of abuse from capitalism's past and present as sufficient reason for a return to such childish folly, deny the capacity of our species for charity and self-willed ethical behavior. we are more than just the crude beasts that you make us out to be. you may not be capable of looking beyond the herd mentality, but most of the rest of us are.Why does a dissertation on socialism bring out so much vitriol? Are you capitalists afraid of losing Your capital created wealth? You know the capitalists would never let this happen, they would demonize the socialists and put a bounty on them. Just like this thread has exposed, capitalists are pigs and bullies. They are just like dogs, if they can't eat it or fuck it, they piss all over it
That's a very good answer to all the socialist wannabes. Some of them might be too dumb to understand it. I hope you don't mine me translating it: "Get your heart in America or get your ass out".I think that the easiest solution to the wanna be socialists would be for them to move to Russia for a few years. I think they would want to come back and be very happy with capitalism.
There are more important things to be done than hunting down socialist. Capitalist wouldn’t bother with a bounty; it’s a waste of money and ammo. Free loaders are like strays, if you don’t feed them they’ll go away.Why does a dissertation on socialism bring out so much vitriol? Are you capitalists afraid of losing Your capital created wealth? You know the capitalists would never let this happen, they would demonize the socialists and put a bounty on them. Just like this thread has exposed, capitalists are pigs and bullies. They are just like dogs, if they can't eat it or fuck it, they piss all over it