What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

i'm neither, but what the fuck do you know? all you fellas just keep talking out of your collective rectums and who am i to tell you different? you do you smart guy.
I know you refer to Trump protestors as violent monkeys. How convenient that you claim not to be white from behind your keyboard, gringo.
monkeys? Trump antagonizers
Seriously though, how much does it bother you that your candidate is so deeply unpopular that people actually protest at his rallies? It must take a special kind of poor oppressed white guy to support a blathering dickbag like Trump.

For fuck's sake, people are willing to vote for HRC just to keep his racist ass out of office.
Seriously though, how much does it bother you that your candidate is so deeply unpopular that people actually protest at his rallies? It must take a special kind of poor oppressed white guy to support a blathering dickbag like Trump.

For fuck's sake, people are willing to vote for HRC just to keep his racist ass out of office.

that can be said of both candidates. and as you can tell, i don't give a fuck about what other people think, i do what's right for me. as far as i'm concerned, people who let the thoughts and words shape their own thoughts and actions are weak, i don't need anyone's affirmation. i support people's freedom of choice and self determination. i wanted Ron Paul, but life doesn't recognize terms like "fair" and "deserve."
more effort. c'mon man. repeating yourself just makes you sound uncreative and boring.
We get it, you feel oppressed...

Seriously though, what was it about Rawn Pawl you liked most? Was it the racist news letters or the fact that you could mingle with other racists and right wing extremists as his events?
We get it, you feel oppressed...

Seriously though, what was it about Rawn Pawl you liked most? Was it the racist news letters or the fact that you could mingle with other racists and right wing extremists as his events?
no, he has a clue about keeping out of foreign affair and the economy. keep digging. this is fun.
i'm neither, but what the fuck do you know? all you fellas just keep talking out of your collective rectums and who am i to tell you different? you do you smart guy.

Remember in the Trayvon Martin thread when I said there are racist Peruvians and South Americans?



I have one uncle who has 12 kids from 2 marriages. His first 4 kids are half Chinese and half Peruvian, His next 7 kids 3 are white, 4 are dark skinned because his wife is from the jungle. He also adopted a black kid. I've heard and seen all kinds of racist shit against them especially because they're poor.

It's the same colonial shit the U.S. went through. Especially after the colonial glory days were over.

So yeah I know where B4ds33d's thinking comes from.

Eating off of gold silverware is the best. I don't feel like a vulgar Saudi prince at all.