What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

Here's a nice picture of a protester in the RNC being covered up (smothered by?) by an American flag.

There will be a lot of that if TRUMP! wins. Any dissent will be treated as an anti-American act.


The look on the doleful thug on the left is priceless... "this couldn't be helped, she brought it on herself."
I could say something to the effect of "I wished that they'd try some shit like that with me.", but chances are that those fucking cowards probably wouldn't dare try that on the "big black guy".
Tony Scwartz, author of The Art of the Deal was just on npr talking about the hollow, insecure, greedy narcissist, trump.

Its hilarious. Trumps attorneys are after him but there is no non disclosure.

Yeah, he was on Bill Maher's show last night. He said that he traveled with Trump for 18 months and then wrote the book. He called Trump a Sociopath, and he was seriously trying to warn the public about that.

It's actually kinda scary.

Yeah, he was on Bill Maher's show last night. He said that he traveled with Trump for 18 months and then wrote the book. He called Trump a Sociopath, and he was seriously trying to warn the public about that.

It's actually kinda scary.

The interviewer asked him about the first line of the book" i don't do it for the money. I've got enough, much more than I'll ever need. I do it to do it. Deals are my art form,"

He asked did trump write that....he said no. He asked why does he "do it" schwartz he said for the money and to fill his emptiness. Schwartz said trump is so reactive because of insecurity. He said he trumps attention span is exhausted at just a few minutes. It all rings so absolutely true.

His supporters dont give a fuck. They suffered through a black prez, now an accomplished woman is on deck. Trump could take a shit tonight and theyd cheer.
Sanders on Trump speech: "is he running for president or dictator".

I've never heard any candidate sound so awfully dull and naïve in a nomination acceptance. He sounds as if he's gonna reinvent the presidency...the same way he reinvented the university, as a way to fleece whomever he can.
A Reality Show in the White House.

TRUMP! would probably realize that he is at a disadvantage as a politician so he will quickly revert to his old ways as a carnival barker. Expect him to take his pitch to the American people (the ones who gave us Kardashians, Housewives, Honey boo boo and Jersey Shore) by starting a reality show as President.

Anybody ever watch the Apprentice? There is no phonier show on TV. Every week some company pays him a huge amount of money to have TRUMP! do a Shamwow treatment for their shifty new product or service. Every fucking week this dickhead tells us all how the "brilliant people" at fill-in-the -Corporation-name have come up with a new product that is going to "revolutionize the industry". It is the same song and dance as he gives for every one of his 'ideas' for running the country. The same 'sincerity'.

scene opens on an intimate breakfast in the West Wing. Sunlight streams through the windows, bathing the room in gold. Donald, Melena, Ivana, Donald Jr and the other 2 psycopath who's name I cannot recall are in attendance. The breakfast table offers several product placement opportunities.

Donald: "Ivana, you look beautiful today, what are you wearing?"
Ivana: "I'll send you the link Dad"
Melena: "Donald, will you come to lunch with me today? I am dropping in on (one of the current Real Housewives of Potomac)"
Donald: "I would love to dear, but the country needs me. Even though I am letting Mike Pence run foreign and domestic policy... and he's doing a great job too isn't he?... I am meeting with Homeland Security about an impending Isis threat.
The last eight years... just terrible... almost ruined the country... and only the great people at Lockheed Martin can solve the problem."
I know that this is the third time I have posted this video, but he really struck a nerve with me. Roy Cohn could have done it some much better than this ham-handed, vulgar-tie wearing goon.

What the TRUMP! Press Secretary would be like. I think the one thing the campaign is really good at is to get dozens of official spokespeople who can lie with a straight face. It truly is the new Orwellian age of media apparently as Newt Gingrich explained at the convention.

I know that this is the third time I have posted this video, but he really struck a nerve with me. Roy Cohn could have done it some much better than this ham-handed, vulgar-tie wearing goon.

What the TRUMP! Press Secretary would be like. I think the one thing the campaign is really good at is to get dozens of official spokespeople who can lie with a straight face. It truly is the new Orwellian age of media apparently as Newt Gingrich explained at the convention.

LOL! dude is a moron in that first video..........
Don't sell Newt short. He may not be a moron in that he knows what he is saying is bullshit - but he is most certainly a lying asshole.
You mean the dude who let the government shut down in the early 2000s over a coach seat on an airplane? Fuck him. I remember the 2011 or 2012 shutdown. We soldiers go completely unpaid, and we're bound by both honor and contract to put our lives on the line despite no pay, little true appreciation for what we really do out there (at least where our government is concerned), etc.
Can you even believe this insufferable "wait for all the facts" dick-hole?


“They were having terrorism problems, just like we do,” Trump said. “And he caught 50 terrorists who did tremendous damage and killed many people. And he took the 50 terrorists, and he took 50 men and he dipped 50 bullets in pigs’ blood — you heard that, right? He took 50 bullets, and he dipped them in pigs’ blood. And he had his men load his rifles, and he lined up the 50 people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the 50th person, he said: You go back to your people, and you tell them what happened. And for 25 years, there wasn’t a problem. Okay? Twenty-five years, there wasn’t a problem.” - Donald J. Trump (cunt)
worse than anyone could've imagined..that's why NOBODY can say anything about Sanders (or anyone for that matter)..too old..not electable..don't even start that shit!