What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

When my wife retires we are looking at moving to Portugal. The health care is apparently high quality and cheap. With Portugal as a base, we can go anywhere in Europe.

If things are the same in 16 years, that will be our home and going to Canada and the US will be a short visit.

Good luck, man, I’m sure you will love it there.

The whole schengen region has great healthcare, you can't go wrong. I think you only have to live in Portugal for five years before you can apply for citizenship, whereas everywhere else is ten, so that's a bonus if you were looking for dual citizenship. We're all ready for a change with very little keeping us anchored, plus these fires have us all on edge for at least half the year. I'm not sure where you're at in Canada, but we wouldn't be feeling nearly as antsy in certain regions up there. I just don't want to deal with anything in the middle, so whenever we leave this house, the next move needs to be across the atlantic.
The whole schengen region has great healthcare, you can't go wrong. I think you only have to live in Portugal for five years before you can apply for citizenship, whereas everywhere else is ten, so that's a bonus if you were looking for dual citizenship. We're all ready for a change with very little keeping us anchored, plus these fires have us all on edge for at least half the year. I'm not sure where you're at in Canada, but we wouldn't be feeling nearly as antsy in certain regions up there. I just don't want to deal with anything in the middle, so whenever we leave this house, the next move needs to be across the atlantic.
Yeah, my situation is different than yours. It’s not that we are unhappy living here in southern Ontario, we just love to travel and living anywhere in Europe gets us closer to places we want to visit.

Warmer winters doesn’t sound bad either. :)
Right on. Southern Ontario would definitely be less stressful and I'd love to be near the great lakes. You get that proper east coast cold. Maybe not a ton of snow, but you probably get what...three months with a high of 0c?

Ours is different, generally warmer, but then it dumps wet snow. We're down a couple miles of narrow dirt road on a hillside. It's hit or miss whether anyone in the neighborhood decides to plow and we've had 4ft storms that have kept us locked in with no power for a week. That does kinda suck, but the fire stress much harder to manage. Speaking of that, time for a little rum...
Ok, let's say they win, end democracy in America and install the Jesus-lovin' dictator we all know they want. What would that be like?

Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!
What colour is the sky in your world?
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!

According to Chinese religious zealots, Middle eastern 'royalty', Russian dictators, and a handful of rich con men who brainwashed about 20% of our nation into thinking shit like you spout is reality?

Nah, what amazes me is that your narrative fails to understand that the hate you are pushing never wins in the long run.

According to Chinese religious zealots, Middle eastern 'royalty', Russian dictators, and a handful of rich con men who brainwashed about 20% of our nation into thinking shit like you spout is reality?

Nah, what amazes me is that your narrative fails to understand that the hate you are pushing never wins in the long run.
Looks like plutonium is now doubly toxic,Cheeto restoring this country to GLORY? I want some of what Pluto is taking, just the mere thought of Cheeto running again has me needing PROZAC. Perish the thought of it all, I don't think the country can survive a Presidential election cycle w/him as the Rep. nominee,apocalyptic thoughts come to mind, let us all hope and pray for a divine intervention of some kind to intervene in the next 3 1/2 yrs up to and including the vile, fat FK'n charlotin having a health issue to prevent it.ccguns
I expand on this by saying in the 80's watching Tyson ko dudes in 45 second title fights seeing Cheeto sucking it up w/ Don King at these events w/brown hair and average weight who';d have surmised that 35 yrs into the future he'd be a fat ass, platinum blond, orange tinted con man who brainwashed a large percent of the country in spite of a past that waved more red flags than fly outside the United Nations and was THE man who kicked loose the rock starting the landslide of ruination of all decency and protocal in our political arena and our country as a whole,WHO'd HAVE THOUGHT.ccguns
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!

Lying internet trolls are so 2020. Old fashioned. Like Trump's presidency. And MAGA hats.
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!

Oh jeeze...one of those "historians"


....stop besmirching Abraham Lincoln with this horseshit.
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!
Speaking of forgetting history
You left out the part where the dixie democrats you speak of ran to the Republican party where they remain the base of the GQP today

Probably tough to grasp facts for a fascist
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!
Did you get your Trump card yet ,comrade?