What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

they weren't ordered to Nicea, they were requested to come by Constantine, to discuss the bible and what should be in it. The people in that council never decided....so to deliever the book it was left to one Cardinal and he decided in the end what to put in and what not to put in......
Constantine had it in mind to create a religion for slaves: one that would keep them docile and obedient on the promise that “in heaven” they would have all the comfort and food and recognition in return for being *SO* obedient here. “The Bible” is what they created, and they created it by excluding a vast volume of material, by rewriting much of what they retained, and by generating whatever additional texts they decided were necessary. The world’s first propaganda war waged by a ruling class against an essentially captive population.

After the breakdown of the empire’s civil government, the Roman church organized itself along the same lines of control as the empire had, and quickly began eliminating now-‘heretical’ christic points of view & expanding their general dominance as rapidly as possible.
Constantine had it in mind to create a religion for slaves: one that would keep them docile and obedient on the promise that “in heaven” they would have all the comfort and food and recognition in return for being *SO* obedient here. “The Bible” is what they created, and they created it by excluding a vast volume of material, by rewriting much of what they retained, and by generating whatever additional texts they decided were necessary. The world’s first propaganda war waged by a ruling class against an essentially captive population.

After the breakdown of the empire’s civil government, the Roman church organized itself along the same lines of control as the empire had, and quickly began eliminating now-‘heretical’ christic points of view & expanding their general dominance as rapidly as possible.

The rise of the religion was there Constantine wanted all the christians together to figure out what should go in it, the biggest debate was.....was Christ divine or was he human....and then fight raged......Constantine didn't convert till on his death bed, but was introduced to it by his mother Helena, now she did alot overall protecting and building in the historical record for christianity. Overall the bible was put together by one guys St Jerome around 400AD and from then on......out of a total of 200 plus books.....only 39 books of the old testement were put in and 27 of the others were added.....and what the messed up things about it is.....Christ never made a book himself....
The parents should be the most influential people in a child's life, not the state, or daycare.
True, but that depends HEAVILY on the parents…many of whom have no idea how to raise children - having not been raised themselves but babysat - parents *ARE* the most influential figures in a child’s life…so many are JUST SO BAD AT IT that they spend all their time criticizing others for their parenting, and NONE on improving their own parenting (fathers are BY FAR the worst about this, BTW).

Here’s a lesson from St. Ignatius Loyola: ‘give me the child until he is five-and he will be mine for life’…funny, I notice you said nothing about the influence of religion on children’s lives
for example in which book is the lords prayer in???not meant to be a prayer in itself.
My post was in reference to the old testament. The lords prayer ...Is in Mathew and in Luke. Which, funny you mention it, Jesus gave it as an example on how to pray. It was not meant to be a prayer in itself.
My post was in reference to the old testament. The lords prayer ...Is in Mathew and in Luke. Which, funny you mention it, Jesus gave it as an example on how to pray. It was not meant to be a prayer in itself.

what if i told u, it was actually in the books of adam and eve....old testement...and not in the bible
I have plenty of family in Mississippi and Florida. They were always very conservative, citing gospel and hated the president if he was a Democrat. They talked about "yankees" as if they were not human. They don't seem to have changed much to me.
I can't put my finger on it, while I am in SE Mass and people are in a hurry, rude, and at times completely lacking in manners we're a liberal true blue state. Yet down south people have a friendly disposition, are more polite and hospitable, yet politically are against extending a helping hand to the downtrodden, go figure. Appearance wise everything seems upside down,no? ccguns
Powerful and wealthy Men in the South are widely respected and held in high esteem by the “Good Ol' Boy” crowd. Political Correctness on the Right is enforced with an Iron Fist on those that step out or speak out. Cancel Culture is all powerful and merciless on the fascist Right. Witness Collin Kapernick, Dixie Chicks, Liz Cheney and anyone who even whimpers against the current “Big Lie” or trump. Especially trump.
Powerful and wealthy Men in the South are widely respected and held in high esteem by the “Good Ol' Boy” crowd. Political Correctness on the Right is enforced with an Iron Fist on those that step out or speak out. Cancel Culture is all powerful and merciless on the fascist Right. Witness Collin Kapernick, Dixie Chicks, Liz Cheney and anyone who even whimpers against the current “Big Lie” or trump. Especially trump.

I think a lot of people would be surprised to learn how many families have maintained cohesion & retained / increased their wealth and influence since the “plantation days”. Most “ex”-Confederate states are still run like plantations - wealth and power have been the rallying points since Appomattox for every ‘white’ guy who wants his own two mules & a breeding pair of slaves…and thus were the sides drawn so long ago.