What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

His comments were almost immediately endorsed by hard-right Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel, who tweeted “We stand with General Flynn” and “Freedom of religion ≠ freedom FROM religion,” on Saturday evening. U.S. Needs 'One Religion Under God,' ex-Trump Advisor Michael Flynn Tells Far-right Rally
Michael Flynn, former President Donald Trump's national security adviser, called for Americans to adopt a single religion this weekend during a far-right rally in San Antonio, Texas.

Speaking during an appearance at the ReAwaken America tour – which featured fringe conspiracy theorists like MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, longtime Trump ally Roger Stone and pro-Trump attorney L. Lin Wood – the forcibly retired lieutenant general declared that, contrary to the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of religion, “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God.”

His comments were almost immediately endorsed by hard-right Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel, who tweeted “We stand with General Flynn” and “Freedom of religion ≠ freedom FROM religion,” on Saturday evening.

Mandel, a grandson of Holocaust survivors running for Senate in Ohio, recently made waves when he claimed, without proof, that Jewish philanthropist George Soros helped mastermind both the COVID-19 pandemic and the racial justice protests across the United States last year.

His Twitter bio states that he is “Fighting to protect the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America.”

Candidate Mark Pukita, who is running against Mandel in the Republican primary, recently ran an ad explicitly singling out his opponent’s Jewish identity, asking “Are we seriously supposed to believe the most Christian-values Senate candidate is Jewish?”

According to Politico, when asked if he believed the ad was antisemitic, Pukita told a forum of voters that “In terms of antisemitism, all I did in an ad was point out that Josh is going around saying he's got the Bible in one hand and the constitution in the other. But he's Jewish. Everybody should know that though, right?”
Hundreds of QAnon Fans Are Going to Texas to See JFK Return. No, Seriously.
Falls in line with the Anti-Christ. I'd rather the bible just stay as a book full of metaphors.
We don't need any of this crap becoming real. Not that anybody is going to rise from the dead. But then they could only need a few to "see" the resurrection. Our Lady of Fátima as an example.
First thing they'd ask for is a bowl of clam chowdah!!
A poll was taken, a 1/3 of evangelicals would be fine with using force to maintain there way of life, even forcing it on others.
25% were willing to die for it.
His Twitter bio states that he is “Fighting to protect the Judeo-Christian bedrock of America.”
There's no Judeo-Christian religion in Evangelicalism. Just Christian. They try real hard to avoid the Jewish Jesus.
We are witnessing the slow boil of the hard Christian right. I am VERY concerned as to how fast this is building.
The 2022 elections and then on to 2024 could be the beginnings of a religious civil war. A crusade of a kind. Driven by Pope Dump.
Canada Formally Declares Proud Boys a Terrorist Group.
That happened on Feb 03/2021, maybe they crossed the T's and dotted the I's. The proud boys started in Canada I'm afraid, it's our homegrown fascist terrorist organization.

The Canadian government was putting the wheels in motion right after the capitol attack, here's a report from Jan 10th/20121.

Sounds like they are planning a party, wonder who's bringing the koolaid.

Their body, their choice.